Synergistic Effects of Human Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Gene Transfection and Interferon-γ on the Growth of Tongue Carcinoma Cells
作者:高振南 李声伟 高家让 田卫东 刘磊
Author:Gao Zhennan,Li Shengwei,Gao Jiarang,et al
收稿日期:2002-02-25 年卷(期)页码:2002,20(01):55-
Journal Name:West China Journal of Stomatology
Key words:human tumor necrosis factor-α,interferon-γ,gene transfection,tongue carcinoma,
目的:探讨干扰素-γ( IFN-γ) 与人肿瘤坏死因子-α(hTNF-α) 基因转染联合应用对舌癌细胞生长的影响。方法:将培养细胞分为2 组,其中一组转染hTNF-α基因,另一组不转染;再将每一组又分为5 个小组,每一小组分别加入IFN-γ,使其终浓度分别为0、1、10、100、1000 U/ ml ,培养48 h 后,用MTT法测定Tca8113 细胞的存活率,用免疫细胞化学染色法观察hTNF-α的表达。结果:单纯加入IFN-γ对舌癌细胞的活性无影响;hTNF-α基因转染与IFN-γ联合应用时,不同浓度的IFN-γ均有协同hTNF-α基因转染杀伤舌癌细胞的作用,而且其抑瘤效应与IFN-γ的浓度呈正相关( r = 01867 , P
The purpose of this study is to investigate the synergistic effects of human tumor necrosis factor-α (hTNF-α) trans2 fection and interferon-γ ( IFN-γ) on the growth of tongue carcinoma cells.Methods : The cultured Tca8113 tongue carcinoma cells was divided into 2 groups , one group was transferred with hTNF-αgene. Each of the 2 groups was then divided into 5 subgroups , and the subgroups were added IFN-γuntil the final IFN-γconcentrations respectively were 0 , 10 , 100 , and 1000 UPml. After cul2 turing for 48 hours , the survival rates of the all groups of cells were assayed byMTT enzymatic labeling technique , and the expres2 sion of hTNF-αin Tca8113 cells was observed with immunocytochemistry. Results : IFN-γdid not affect the growth of Tca8113 cells without hTNF-α, however , the transfection of hTNF-αwith the above different concentrations of IFN-γ synergistically inhibited the growth of Tca8113 cells , the concentrations of IFN-γwere positively correlated with the inhibition effects ( r = 0. 733 , P