


A Retrospective Study of Clinical Manifestation and Human Papilloma Virus Detection of Oral Condyloma Acuminate in Children

作者:何志秀 刘来奎 陈艳

Author:He Zhixiu,Liu Laikui,Chen Yan

收稿日期:2002-02-25          年卷(期)页码:2002,20(01):27-27-29.  摘要


Journal Name:West China Journal of Stomatology

关键字:口腔尖锐湿疣,人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV) ,儿童,原位杂交,

Key words:oral condyloma acuminate,human papilloma virus,children ,in situ hybridization,



目的:探讨儿童口腔粘膜尖锐湿疣的病毒类型、传播途径、临床病理特点及预后等。方法:回顾6 例被确诊为口腔粘膜尖锐湿疣患儿的临床特点及HE 切片,并对其中5 例采用免疫组化染色及原位杂交检测人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)DNA。结果:儿童口腔尖锐湿疣多发生在2 岁左右,发病部位多位于腭部,并且多数有家族感染史,镜下见棘层上部或角化层常出现灶性凹空细胞,免疫组化检测结果显示5 例HPV 共同抗原全部阳性,5 例中有4 例HPV16P18- E6 阳性;原位杂交结果显示仅1 例HPV6 和HPV11 同时阳性,另1 例初发时HPV6 阳性而复发后呈阴性。结论:儿童口腔尖锐湿疣的病毒类型、传播途径可能与成人不同。


The aim of this study is to study genotype , transmission , clinical and pathological characteristics , and prognosis of oral condyloma acuminate (CA) in children. Methods : The authors retrospected the clinical characteristics and slices of HE staining of six cases which have been diagnosed as oral CA and , performed immunohistochemistry ( IHC) and in situ hybridization ( ISH) analysis to detect the DNA of human papilloma virus in 5 cases. Results : Oral CA often happened in the hard or soft plates of children of two-year-old. Most of them came from the families had been infected by human papilloma virus (HPV) . Histological examination demonstrated that koilocytes were common in the upper spinous and corneal layers. HPV was detected in all cases. HPV16P18- E6 antigen was positive in 4 of 5 cases examined. The result of ISH only show one case was HPV6- and HPV11- posi2 tive , and the other case was HPV-positive , but HPV could not be detected when recurring.Conclusion : The pathogen leading to oral condyloma acuminate (CA) and the transmission way of children may be different from that of adults.


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