


A Study of Rebuild of A Three- dimensional Anatomic Model of Mandibles

作者:赵保东 李宁毅 周仰光 宫大连 谭成勋

Author:Zhao Baodong,Li Ningyi

收稿日期:2002-02-25          年卷(期)页码:2002,20(01):21-21-23.  摘要


Journal Name:West China Journal of Stomatology


Key words:mandibular bone,inferior alveolar nerve,anatomy,three- dimensional model,CT,




目的:研究经实体解剖测量与螺旋CT三维重建测量下颌骨的解剖规律,探讨三维螺旋CT 对下颌骨进行重建测量的可靠性。方法:选择成人牙列完整的下颌骨标本15 例,进行螺旋CT 三维重建并在其每一牙位上截取与牙弓曲线垂直的截面,测量每一截面上有关牙槽嵴及下颌管的数据;同样方法进行实体解剖测量,然后对两种方法所得数据进行统计学分析。结果:牙槽嵴顶及下方10 mm宽度由前向后逐渐增宽;牙槽嵴由上向下逐渐增宽;下颌神经管位于下颌骨体内下方;三维CT重建测量所得数据与实体解剖测量结果无显著性差异。结论:临床上应用螺旋CT对下颌骨进行三维重建测量是下颌骨牙种植术前设计中非常可靠、准确、直观的方法。


The aim of this study was to rebuild the anatomic structures of the mandibular bone and the canal , and to testify the reliability of the rebuilt model.Methods :15 mandibular bones with teeth are chosen , and a three- dimensional model was built with the method of CT. The slices vertical to the compensating curve were made in every dental position. Then the authors collect2 ed the data of alveoli and mandibular canal in every slice. The same work was done to the bone specimen , and then comparative analysis was done. Results :The wideness of the alveoli and 10 mm bellow increased from mesial to distal position. It was the same of the alveoli from the top to the bottom. The mandibular canal lied in the inner and inferior side of the mandibular body. There was no significant difference in data collected with these two methods.Conclusion :Different types of dental implants should be cho2 sen according to the anatomic characteristic of the mandibular bone in every dental position before the operation to avoid complica2 tions. And a reliable , accurate and direct method of planning an implant operation is to rebuild a three- dimensional model.


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