Case of precise full-mouth occlusal reconstruction guided by digital occlusal function analysis
作者:郭艳玲, 李嘉鑫, 刘欣然, 岳源, 魏娜, 王敏, 郝亮
Author:Guo Yanling, Li Jiaxin, Liu Xinran, Yue Yuan, Wei Na, Wang Min, Hao Liang
收稿日期:2023-12-21 年卷(期)页码:2024,42(3):394-394-402
Journal Name:West China Journal of Stomatology
Key words:digital occlusal function analysis,full-mouth occlusal reconstruction,precise restoration,anterior guidance,protrusive condylar guidance,
The clinical demand for occlusal reconstruction increases rapidly with increasing number of patients who have lost their normal occlusion because of tooth wear and dentition defects. Occlusal reconstruction is a special type of restoration defined as a comprehensive restoration of the function of the stomatognathic system by reestablishing a uniform and stable occlusal relationship between the upper and lower dentitions. Occlusal function analysis is an important part of occlusal reconstruction to achieve accurate restoration design and adjustment. Digital occlusal function analysis was conducted to monitor the movement of the mandible and obtain related data for the parameter design of occlusal reconstruction. Preoperative design, intraoperative adjustment, and postoperative verification were achieved, thereby improving the efficiency and accuracy of occlusal reconstruction.