


Clinical study of the effect of the metal precrown restoration in the first deciduous molar on the composite resin filling in the second deciduous molar

作者:汪春仙, 张瑜

Author:Wang Chunxian, Zhang Yu

收稿日期:2024-05-11          年卷(期)页码:2024,42(6):773-773-777


Journal Name:West China Journal of Stomatology


Key words:deciduous molar,adjacent and occlusal caries,composite resin,metal precrown,



目的 探讨第一乳磨牙远中邻面龋金属预成冠修复对第二乳磨牙近中邻面龋树脂充填修复效果的影响。 方法 选择来我院门诊就诊的80名4~8岁患者,共计120颗牙。120颗牙随机分为2组:A组(68颗)为第一乳磨牙和第二乳磨牙两颗牙均直接树脂充填;B组(52颗)为第一乳磨牙树脂充填后使用金属预成冠修复,第二乳磨牙树脂充填。比较两组第二乳磨牙树脂充填的成功率。 结果 3个月时,A组成功率为92.65%,B组为96.15%,两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);6个月时,A组成功率为89.71%,B组为94.23%,两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);1年时,A组成功率为73.53%,B组为88.46%,两组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);2年时,A组成功率为66.18%,B组为86.54%,两组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 与第一乳磨牙树脂充填比较,第一乳磨牙金属预成冠修复可以提高第二乳磨牙近中邻面龋树脂充填的成功率。


ObjectiveThe effect of metal precrown restoration of distal proximal maxillofacial caries in the first deciduous molar on the composite resin filling of mesio-adjacent maxillofacial caries in the second deciduous molar was investigated.MethodsA total of 80 children aged 4-8 who visited our clinic were selected, and 120 teeth were examined. Two consecutive deciduous molars in one jaw were considered a single case when the distal proximal maxillary surface of the first deciduous molar and the mesial proximal maxillary surface of the second deciduous molar simultaneously had caries. The teeth were randomly divided into two groups: group A (68 cases), in which the first and second molars were repaired with composite resin, and group B (52 cases), in which the first deciduous molar was repaired with metal precrown after composite resin filling and the second deciduous molar was filled with composite resin. The two groups were compared in terms of the success rate of composite resin filling in the second deciduous molar.ResultsAt 3 months, no significant difference (P>0.05) was found between groups A (92.65%) and B (96.15%). At 6 months, no significant difference (P>0.05) was observed between groups A (89.71%) and B (94.23%). At 12 months, statistically significant difference (P<0 .05) was found between groups a (73.53%) and b (88.46%); at 24 months, statistically significant difference (P<0 .05) was found between groups a (66.18%) and b (86.54%).ConclusionCompared with composite resin filling of the first deciduous molar, the metal precrown restoration of the first deciduous molar can improve the success rate of composite resin filling of the second deciduous molar.



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