① 顾红亮、刘晓虹:《想象个人:中国个人观的现代转型》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2006年,第11页。
② 李继锋:《蒋介石与“新文化运动”》,《湖南文史》2004年第1期,第34页。
③ 刘文楠:《规训日常生活:新生活运动与现代国家的治理》,《南京大学学报》2013年第5期,第89-102页。
④ 关于基督教与新生活运动的关系已有不少研究成果,给本文启发的同时也成为本文研究的基础。其中汪思涵的《1934—1937年间的新生活运动与基督教——以〈教务杂志〉为中心》(《中国社会经济史研究》2007年第4期),主要据《教务杂志》的言论讨论了基督教参与新运的逻辑与困惑;而James C.Thomson的While China Faced West: American Reformers in Nationalist China,1928-1937(Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1969)则讨论了传教士和青年会与新运的合作,借此讨论美国人(主要是传教士)在中国的改良主义努力及其困境。
(3)“New Life Movement and Churches,” The Chinese Recorder,Oct.1936,p.661.
(4)“The Present Situation,Missionaries and New Life Movement,” The Chinese Recorder,Jan.1935,pp.61-62;宋美龄:《告基督教教友》,《宋美龄自述》,北京:台海出版社,2014年,第176页。
(6)“Madame Chiang Kai-shek,Message to the National Christian Council of China,” The Chinese Recorder,June 1937,pp.345-351;宋美龄:《基督教与新生活运动》,《汗血月刊》第8卷第20期,1937年5月15日,第369页。
(9)“New Life Movement and Churches,” pp.661-662.
(12)Kimber H.K.Den,“New Life Movement and Christian Church,” The Chinese Recorder,Feb.1935,p.98.
(13)Editorial,“The New Life Movement,” The Chinese Recorder,May 1934,p.278.
(14)T.T.Faichney,“Power for Service,” The Chinese Recorder,July 1937,p.424.
(15)W.Y.Chen,“Modern China and Christianity,” The Chinese Recorder,Sep.1937,p.551.
(16)Editorial,“Cooperation for Life-building,” The Chinese Recorder,Dec.1934,p.739.
(20)Sherwood Eddy,“Impressions of China,” The Chinese Recorder,July 1935,p.401;谢颂羔编:《艾迪集》,上海:广学会,1935年,第60、115页。
(21)G.W.Shepherd,“The Chinese Communists,” The China Christian Year Book,1934-1935,Shanghai:Christian Literature Society,1936,pp.95-96.
(23)G.W.Shepherd,“The New Life Movement,” The China Christian Year Book,1936-1937,Shanghai:Christian Literature Society,1938,p.77.
(29)H.A.Wittenbach,“The Necessity of Social Justice,” The Chinese Recorder,May 1937,p.298.
(30)Melville Williams and Cynthia McLean,eds.,Gleanings:From the Manuscripts of M.Searle Bates:The Protestant Endeavor in Chinese Society,1890-1950,New York:China Program,National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.,1984,p.57.
(31)“What Can Christian Co-operation Add to the New Life Movement?A Symposium,” The Chinese Recorder,May 1937,p.293.
(33)“What Can Christian Co-operation Add to the New Life Movement?A Symposium,” p.293.
(34)Editorial,“Towards a United Christian Front,” The Chinese Recorder,June 1937,pp.342-343.
(35)Thomson,While China Faced West,p.167.
(37)“New Life Movement Revamped,” The Chinese Recorder,June 1936,p.311.
(38)Editorial,“The Rural Church-Some Remedies,” The Chinese Recorder,Dec.1936,p.735.
(39)R.O.Hall,“The Development of Social Conscience in Modern China,”in The Christian Movement in China in a Period of National Transition,Mysore City:The Wesley Press and Publishing House,1938,pp.39-40.
(41)Editorial,“The New Life Movement,” pp.277-278.
(42)Editorial,“China?s Revival Movement,” The Chinese Recorder,Oct.1934,p.610.
(43)Editorial,“Revival of Morality and Religion,” The Chinese Recorder,Dec.1934,p.739.
(44)Editorial,“China?s Present Attitude to Christianity,” The Chinese Recorder,Nov.1934,p.674.
(45)Roderick Scott,“The Christian Movement in China in a Period of National Transition,”in The Christian Movement in China in a Period of National Transition,pp.54-55.
(46)A.F.Groesbsck,“Christians and the New Life Movement,” The Chinese Recorder,Jan.1935,p.60.
(47)Work and Workers,“Christians and New Life Movement,” The Chinese Recorder,Apr.1937,p.259.
(49)Y.C.YANG,“China?s Modern Aspirations in Education,” The Chinese Recorder,Jan.1935,pp.32-33.
(50)Hollington.K.Tong,“China?s Modern National Leadership,” The Chinese Recorder,Jan.1935,pp.10-12.
(51)Den,“New Life Movement and Christian Church,” pp.98-99.
(55)“What Can Christian Co-operation Add to the New Life Movement?A Symposium,” pp.295-296.
(56)Den,“New Life Movement and Christian Church,” p.100.
(57)Z.T.Kaung,“My Christian Experience and Present Views of Christianity for China,” The Chinese Recorder,Nov.1936,p.697.
(59)“Missionaries and New Life Movement,” The Chinese Recorder,Jan.1935,p.61.
(60)Editorial,“Cooperative Rural Reconstruction,” The Chinese Recorder,Apr.1937,p.202.
(61)“Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui Makes Progress,” The Chinese Recorder,Oct.1937,p.665.
(62)Lim Boon Keng,“The Crisis of the Organized Church,” The Chinese Recorder,Jan.1936,p.78.
(63)Yu-Shan Han,“What Will the Increasing Co-Operation between Christian and Non-Christian Agencies Mean to the Christian Movement?” The Chinese Recorder,Jan.1937,p.34.
(64)Den,“New Life Movement and Christian Church,” p.100.
(65)Wittenbach,“The Necessity of Social Justice,” p.298.
(66)“What Can Christian Co-operation Add to the New Life Movement?A Symposium,” p.293.
(67)George W.Shepherd,“Co-operation with New Life Movement,” The Chinese Recorder,May 1937,p.289.
(68)Editorial,“Towards a United Christian Front,” p.343.
(69)Den,“New Life Movement and Christian Church,” p.99.
(72)Shepherd,“Co-operation with New Life Movement,” p.289.
(81)Hall,“The Development of Social Conscience in Modern China,” p.37.
(82)Editorial,“Towards a United Christian Front,” p.342.
(84)Kaung,“My Christian Experience and Present Views of Christianity for China,” p.697.
(85)“New Life Movement Revamped,” p.311.
(86)“What Can Christian Co-operation Add to the New Life Movement?A Symposium,” p.293.
(96)“Work and Workers,” The Chinese Recorder,Sep.1936,p.597.
(98)Editorial,“Towards a United Christian Front,” pp.342-343.