Micro-CT 评价不同弯曲度根管预备后根尖偏移的实验研究
Evaluation of apical transportation after shaping different curved root canals by
作者:钟素兰, 尹仕海, 陈朝辉, 揭有琼, 汪莉
Author:ZHONG Sulan, YIN Shi-hai, CHEN Zhao-hui, JIE You-qiong, WANG Li
收稿日期:2009-01-08 年卷(期)页码:2009,36(6):657-660
Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology
关键字:根尖偏移,Micro-CT,弯曲根管,不锈钢K 型锉,
Key words:apical transportation, Micro-CT, curved root canal, stainless steel K-type file,
目的 使用Micro-CT 评价不同弯曲度根管预备后的根尖偏移。方法 选取10 颗离体上颌磨牙共30 个根管。根据不同的弯曲度分为轻度、中度和重度弯曲共3 组根管,每组10 个根管。使用不锈钢K 型锉采取逐步后退法预备根管,分别于预备前、中和后进行Micro-CT 扫描,评价根管的根尖偏移情况。结果 根管预备至25 号锉时,各弯曲度根管组间的根尖偏移差异有统计学意义;预备至35 号锉时,重度弯曲根管组与轻度和中度弯曲根管组间差异均有统计学意义,而轻度和中度弯曲根管组间差异无统计学意义。各组预备至35 号和25号时的根尖偏移差异均有统计学意义。结论 根管弯曲度越大,根尖偏移度越大;根管预备锉的号码越大,根尖偏移越明显。
Objective To evaluate the apical transportation after shaping different curved root canals by Micro-CT. Methods The 30 roots of 10 maxillary malors were used. The canals were divided into three groups by curvature including 10 canals each group. Canals were prepared using stainless steel K-type files by the step-back technique. Then all the samples were scanned by Micro-CT before, in and after instrumentation. The extent of apical transportation were calculated. Results Statistical differences in apical transportation were found between test groups when prepared to the size 25. When canals were prepared to the size 35, the severe group showed more apical transportation than the other two groups. There was no statistical difference between the light and secondary groups. The apical transportation were statistical differences in every test groups no matter in size 35 or 25. Conclusion The canals showed more apical transportation when the curvature and the size of files were larger.
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