


Application of functional magnetic resonance imaging in stomatology

作者:赵芳综述 刘东旭审校

Author:ZHAO Fang, LIU Dong-xu

收稿日期:2009-01-22          年卷(期)页码:2009,36(5):586-589


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology


Key words:functional magnetic resonance imaging, oral cavity function, representation of cerebral cortex




功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)的原理是神经元活动时局部氧耗量和脑血流程度失匹配而导致局部磁场性质变化,是近年来在常规磁共振成像基础上发展起来的一种新的成像技术,具有无创伤地对神经元活动进行较准确的定位、较高的空间和时间分辨率及较好的可重复性等特点,在神经科学的基础研究领域与临床研究得到广泛应用。fMRI 在口腔医学的应用主要集中在口腔功能的研究上,如咀嚼功能、吞咽功能、言语、感觉,其他方面有口腔颌面部感觉如三叉神经痛、磁敏感性伪影。本文就fMRI 在口腔医学的具体应用进行综述。


The main principle of the functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) is that with the activity of neurons the regional oxygen consumption can not match with cerebral blood flow which results in the change of regional magnetic field. It is an imaging method of function brain area by stimulate in magnetic resonance facility, and it can exactitude reflect the nerve activity level of brain and confirm the function brain area in alive body, and it is a new impersonality imagine method to evaluate the cognitive function of human. With a rapid and great development of the normal magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) technique during these years, the functional magnetic resonance imaging has been a new imaging technique which has been widely applied in the fundament field of research and clinical research of the Neuroscience. Especially, the investigation of blood oxygen level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging(BOLDfMRI) in neurology and psychiatry developed quickly. With the fMRI the neuron can be comparatively precise located non-woundedly and repeatedly, besides higher space and time resolution, no radiation and better repeatability are also its advantages. The application of functional magnetic resonance imaging in stomatology are mainly in the study of the oral cavity function, such as masticatory function, swallowing function, speech, sensation, the sensation of oromaxillo-facial region like trigeminal neuralgia and susceptibility artifact. In this article, we summarized the principle, application and perspective of functional magnetic resonance imaging in stomatology.


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