


Clinical application of miniscrew implants used as orthodontic anchorage

作者:王晓荣, 陈江浩, 牛亦睿

Author:WANG Xiao-rong, CHEN Jianghao, NIU Yi-rui

收稿日期:2009-03-03          年卷(期)页码:2009,36(5):537-539,543


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology


Key words:orthodontic anchorage, miniscrew implant, clinical application,



目的 研究自攻型微螺钉种植体作为磨牙强支抗的临床应用效果。方法 在30 例采用自攻型微螺钉种植体作为磨牙支抗的临床病例中,选择6 例已经结束治疗的患者进行分析。6 例患者均为骨性Ⅱ类上颌前突患者,拔除上颌双侧第一前磨牙后采用上颌强支抗进行矫治。选择自攻型微螺钉种植体作为上颌支抗,以内收上颌前牙、关闭拔牙间隙。种植体植入部位为上颌第二前磨牙与第一磨牙牙根间的颊侧牙槽间隔,加力值为每侧1.47~1.96 N。对患者拔牙间隙关闭前后的头颅定位侧位片进行分析,测量前牙内收情况和磨牙支抗的变化。结果 6 例患者共植入12 枚微螺钉种植体,矫治后其上颌前突症状均得到明显改善,上颌切牙切缘平均内收6.06 mm,支抗磨牙平均前移0.44 mm,均获得了磨牙强支抗效果。治疗中,种植体保持稳定,种植体周围的软组织健康。结论 自攻型微螺钉种植体支抗是一种简便、有效的支抗形式,可以满足正畸临床治疗的需要。


Objective To evaluate the availability of miniscrew implants used as orthodontic anchorages. Methods Six completed skeletal Class Ⅱ patients were selected to study from thirty patients used miniscrew implants as the anchorages. Six skeletal Class Ⅱ maxillary protrusion patients were treated by extracting two upper first premolars and strong maxillary anchorages. Miniscrew implants were inserted into the buccal interalveolar septum between the maxillary second premolar and the maxillary first molar as a direct anchorage for anterior teeth retraction using 1.47-1.96 N force. Cephalometric radiographs were taken before and after closing the space. The cephalometric tracings were superimposed to determine any movement of the upper first molar and the retraction of anterior teeth. Results For the six patients, 12 miniscrew implants were used. After the treatment, the symptoms of the maxillary prognathism of the six patients were improved greatly. The edge of upper incisors was retracted by 6.06 mm on average, and the first molar was moved mesially by 0.44 mm. The miniscrew implants kept stable during treatment, and the surrounding soft tissue of the implants was healthy. Conclusion Miniscrew implants provide a good and convenient anchorage control in the orthodontic treatment.


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