


The preliminary report on evaluation of interproximal papilla defects of maxillar

作者:林萍, 叶平, 涂慧娟

Author:LIN Ping, YE Ping , TU Hui -juan

收稿日期:2009-05-21          年卷(期)页码:2009,36(5):524-526,530


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology


Key words:interproximal papilla, black triangle, alveolar crest, contact point,



目的 龈乳头缺失形成的“黑三角”常常造成口腔美观的不足。本研究利用X 线根尖片探讨上颌中切牙牙间龈乳头存在与年龄、性别、邻间接触点到牙槽嵴顶的距离之间的关系。方法 选取982 名成人患者接受检查,对龈乳头的评价以视诊判断;接触点与牙槽嵴顶间的距离由X 线根尖片测得。结果 当2 个上颌中切牙接触点至牙槽嵴顶的距离小于5 mm 时,“黑三角”出现的机率只有2.3%;距离在5~6 mm 之间和6~7 mm 之间时,“黑三角”出现的机率分别为43.3%和57.7%;距离升至7 mm 以上时达到78.9%。“黑三角”的出现与接触点到牙槽嵴顶间的距离、年龄有关,与性别无关。结论 接触点到牙槽嵴顶间的距离与龈乳头存在密切关系。


Objective The“black triangle”caused by loss of interproximal papilla usually lead to aesthetics deficiency. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether age, gender, and the distance from the contact point of the maxillary central incisors to the alveolar crest were correlated with the presence of the interproximal papilla by standardized periapical radiographs. Methods A total of 982 adult patients were received examination. The presence of the interproximal papilla was determined visually. The distance from the contact point to alveolar crest was measured by standardized periapical radiographs. Results When the distance between the contact point of two maxillary central incisors and alveolar crest was 5 mm or less, the probability of“black triangle” appearance were only 2.3%. When the distance ranged from 5-6 mm to 6-7 mm, the rates were up to 43.3% and 57.7%. When the distance exceeded 7 mm, the “black triangle”rate was up to 78.9%. Furthermore, the presence

of the“black triangle”was related to the distance from the contact point to alveolar crest and age, but not sex. Conclusion The distance from the contact point to the alveolar crest is highly associated with the presence or absence of the interproximal papilla.

下一条:2 种方法根管充填后牙根疲劳强度的体外研究


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