


Wettability study of hydrophilic silicone oral impression materials

作者:隋磊, 巢永烈, 王娉婷, 周敏

Author:SUI Lei, CHAO Yong-lie, WANG Pinting, ZHOU Min

收稿日期:2008-11-03          年卷(期)页码:2009,36(4):405-408


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology


Key words:silicone, dental impression materials, wettability, contact angle, contact angle hysteresis,



目的 从静态及动态接触角、座滴滞后等方面研究“亲水性”硅橡胶口腔印模材料的表面润湿性。方法 选用4 种“亲水性”硅橡胶印模材料AFFINIS MonoBody、ZEROSIL mono、Oranwash VL、HC,其中OranwashVL 属缩合型硅橡胶,其余3 种材料属加成型硅橡胶。采用座滴法测量各材料在水滴释放至试样表面并与注射针针头分离的时刻以及水滴释放120 s 时的静态接触角;采用斜板测量法测量各材料的动态接触角,包括前进接触角和后退接触角,并计算座滴滞后。结果 测得4 种硅橡胶印模材料在水滴释放初期的静态接触角均在100°以上,而120 s 后除Oranwash VL 外均降至90°以下,静态接触角由小到大依次为AFFINIS MonoBody、HC、ZEROSIL mono、Oranwash VL;4 种材料动态接触角由小到大次序与静态接触角基本相同,但HC 与ZEROSILmono 两种材料间无显著性差异;而3 种加成型硅橡胶材料间座滴滞后均无显著性差异,Oranwash VL 座滴滞后高于其他3 种材料。结论 本研究所选用的“亲水性”硅橡胶口腔印模材料间,尤其在加成型材料与缩合型材料间存在润湿性差异;单纯采用静态接触角评价口腔印模材料润湿性较为片面,应结合动态接触角及座滴滞后综合评判;此外,由于接触角随接触时间的延长而减小,故同时应考虑时间因素的影响。


Objective To reveal the wettability of hydrophilic silicone impression materials bydetecting static contact angle, dynamic contact angles and contact angle hysteresis. Methods 4 kinds of hydrophilic impression materials, which were AFFINIS MonoBody, ZEROSIL mono, Oranwash VL and HC, were studied, among which Oranwash VL was condensation silicone, while the others were addition silicone. Static contact angle was detected by means of sessile drop goniometry in the moment the water drop was released to the surface of materials, as

well as 120 s later. Dynamic contact angles, including advancing contact angle and receding contact angle, were detected by means of tilting plate goniometry. And contact angle hysteresis was then calculated. Results Initial static contact angle of 4 silicone impression materials were all above 100°, while reducing to less than 90°120 s later except Oranwash VL. Static contact angles of 4 materials in ascending order were: AFFINIS MonoBody, HC, ZEROSIL mono and Oranwash VL. And the order of dynamic contact angles were basically the same to that of static contact angle, except that the difference between HC and ZEROSIL mono was not significant. However, there were no significant differences among contact angle hysteresis of the 3 kinds of addition silicone impression materials, while that of Oranwash VL was significantly higher than the others. Conclusion There were differences in wettability among the selected hydrophilic silicone impressionmaterials, especially when it came to addition

sili-cones and condensation silicones. And to evaluate wettability of impression materials properly, static contact angle, dynamic contact angle andcontact angle hysteresis all should be considered, instead of detecting static contact angle only.

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