

机用镍钛器械ProTaper 用于再治疗根管预备效果的临床评价

Clinical evaluation of rotary ProTaper in preparation of root canal during retrea

作者:李艳, 赵今, 孙玉亮, 牛巧丽

Author:LI Yan, ZHAO Jin, SUN Yu-liang, NIU Qiao-li

收稿日期:2008-11-13          年卷(期)页码:2009,36(3):267-269


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology


Key words:ProTaper, retreatment, root canal preparation,



目的 评价机用镍钛器械ProTaper 预备再治疗根管的临床效果。方法 选择临床上需进行根管再治疗的120 颗患牙,随机分为实验组(PT组)和对照组(HF组),每组各60 颗。PT 组使用机用镍钛器械ProTaper 和冠向下技术预备根管,HF 组使用标准手用不锈钢H 型锉和逐步后退法预备根管。两组均用冷牙胶侧方加压技术充填根管。记录两组根管预备时间和术后并发症出现情况,根据治疗前、中、后的X 线片评价根管预备和充填的效果。结果 PT 组根管预备时间明显少于HF 组,根管成形和充填效果明显优于HF 组,但有3 例器械分离发生。结论 机用镍钛器械ProTaper 应用于根管再治疗预备具有良好的成形和充填效果,且根管预备快速、高效,但应注意预防器械分离。


Objective To assess the clinical effect of rotary ProTaper in preparation of root canal during retreatment. Methods A total of 120 teeth which needed endodontic retreatmemt were selected and randomly divided into 2 groups with 60 teeth in each group. The root canals were prepared with rotary ProTaper and crown-down technique in experimental group(PT) and K-files with step-back technique in control group(HF), respectively. And both filled with cold lateral condensation technique. To record the prepared time and numbers of postoperative complications, and according to X-ray of pre-therapy and post-therapy to estimate the effect of root canal preparation and filling. Results The time of preparation in PT group was obviously shorter than HF group. The

effect of root canal shaping and filling in PT group was better than that in HF group. There were 3 fractured instruments in PT group. Conclusion Rotary ProTaper showed high performance, better shaping ability and effective

obturation, but we should pay attention to prevent instrumental fracture.



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