

即刻修复1 年后种植体周围边缘骨吸收的临床评价

Study of marginal bone loss around implant and clinical evaluation about one year

作者:邓悦1,王万春1,赵俊1,Kim Young-gyu2,Kwon Jong-jin2

Author:DENG Yue1, WANG Wan-chun1, ZHAO Jun1, Kim Young-gyu2, Kwon Jong-jin2.

收稿日期:1900-01-01          年卷(期)页码:2009,36(1):12-12~15


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology


Key words:immediate loading, dental implant, marginal bone loss,



目的 观察即刻修复种植体的临床存活率和种植体周围边缘骨的变化,对影响种植体即刻修复的相关因素进行初步探讨。方法 选择75 名患者行种植后即刻修复,共植入种植体171 颗,其中ITI 种植体110 颗,奥齿泰SSⅡ种植体61 颗。在术后即刻、术后6 个月和术后12 个月行X 线检查,评价即刻修复后种植体周围边缘骨的变化。结果 ITI 和奥齿泰SSⅡ种植体临床存活率分别为100%和98.4%。即刻修复后种植体周围边缘骨吸收主要发生在修复后6 个月内。在上颌骨,2 组种植体的边缘骨吸收量差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);在下颌骨,2 组种植体在植入时边缘骨高度和术后6 个月骨吸收量差异有统计学意义(P 月期间的种植体边缘骨吸收更为显著。结论 在获得良好的种植体初期稳定性并进行合理的控制力下进行即刻修复,可以取得满意的临床效果。即刻修复后种植体周围边缘骨吸收主要取决于一段式种植体的植入深度。


Objective To access the clinical survival and marginal bone loss around implant after immediate loading and investigate related factors.

Methods Total of 171 implants were placed in 75 patients, including 110 ITI implants and 61 Osstem SSⅡ implants. All implants were immediately loaded in 24 hours and final prosthetics were placed in 6 months. Radiologic examinations were taken at post-operation, and measured the marginal bone level around implants after 6 months and 12 months.

Results Clinical survival was 100% in ITI implants and 98.4% in Osstem SSⅡ implants. Main marginal bone loss was observed in 6 months after immediate loading. There was no difference in maxilla, but there was significant difference in bone level post-operation and bone resorption in 6 months in mandible between two systems. From 6 to 12 months, the more bone resorption was observed in single crown group. Conclusion The clinical survival is acceptable in immediate loading procedure if

the implant had excellent primary stability and equal occlusion. The marginal bone loss is dependent on the position of polished-rough junction of one-stage implant.


下一条:微型种植体支抗及口外弓支抗矫治安氏Ⅱ类1 分类错牙合畸形的比较研究


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