


Exploration of orthodontic treatment about inverse impacted maxillary central incisor

作者:姜世同1 王作君2 安忠军1 焦广军1 姜良坤1 罗圆圆1

Author:Jiang Shitong1, Wang Zuojun2, An Zhongjun1, Jiao Guangjun1, Jiang Liangkun1, Luo Yuanyuan1.

收稿日期:2010-09-19          年卷(期)页码:2011,38(5):515-517


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology

关键字:倒位埋伏阻生上中切牙, 固定人工支点, 固定正畸,

Key words:inverse impacted maxillary central incisor, fixed artificial fulcrum, fixed orthodontic,



目的 探索倒位埋伏阻生上颌中切牙的矫治方法,以提高临床矫治效果和保留更多的倒位阻生牙。方法 对8 例患者的9 颗倒位埋伏阻生的上中切牙采用开拓间隙、手术开窗牵引、固定人工支点协助调向、排齐、反向控根等方法进行矫治。结果 9 颗倒位阻生的上中切牙中,有8 颗经过15~30 个月的矫治达到正常位置,牙齿稳定,功能正常。剩余1 颗因牵引15 个月无明显移位而拔除,见其牙根短小并弯曲180°。结论 牙根发育正常或牙根略短小,以及牙根弯曲度小于100°且不伴有短小的倒位埋伏阻生上中切牙,通过系列矫治,完全可以保留并行使正常的功能。利用可调式固定人工支点,协助矫治倒位埋伏阻生上中切牙,具有调向准确、迅速、易控和缩短反向控根时间等特点,可有效缩短疗程,提高疗效。


Objective To explore the method of orthodontic treatment of inverse impacted maxillary central incisor to improve clinical treatment effect and retain more inverse impacted incisor. Methods 8 patients with 9 inverse impacted maxillary central incisors were treated with methods of opening space, surgical fenestration and traction, fixed artificial fulcrum to adjust direction aligned, reverse root control and so on. Results Inverse impacted maxillary central incisors have normal position, stability teeth root and proper function after 15 to 30 months of orthodontic treatment. Another incisor without clear displacement was extracted after 15 months of orthodontic traction, because its root was short and bend 180°. Conclusion Inverse impacted maxillary central incisor with normal root or slightly short root, or bent root less than 100° can be retained and keep normal function completely through a series of orthodontic treatment. Fixed adjustable artificial fulcrum can assist in treating inverse impacted maxillary central incisor. It can effectively shorten the course of treatment and improve efficacy.



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