


Survey on elderly people in Chengdu about the effect of using removable partial denture


Author:CHEN Shenyuan1, CHAO Yong-lie1, DENG Yong-mei2, CHEN Chao3, LI Yuan1, ZHANG Shu-yuan1.

收稿日期:          年卷(期)页码:2010,37(4):396-399


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology

关键字:可摘局部义齿, 老年人, 口腔卫生知识, 满意度, 调查,

Key words:removable partial denture, aged, oral hygiene knowledge, satisfaction, survey,



目的了解可摘局部义齿(RPD)戴用者戴用义齿后口腔卫生知识的知晓情况、义齿戴用的满意度、义齿对口腔软硬组织的影响,以针对性地进行口腔健康教育,为RPD 的制作提供建议。方法对成都市307 名戴用RPD 的老年人进行问卷式调查并对其行统计学分析。结果307 名被调查者中有良好的口腔清洁习惯和正确刷牙方法者比例较高,但了解定期洁治术和使用牙线者仅分别为10.1%和2.9%。现有义齿使用的平均年限为 6.94 年,93.8%的人认为义齿应坏了才需更换,每3~6 个月定期复查者仅有1.0%。87.6%以上被调查者对RPD 满意。基牙龋坏率14.5%。组织面清洁情况依次与吸烟、食物嵌塞、睡前是否取下义齿、洁牙、刷牙习惯、义齿使用年限和清洗义齿方法相关。结论RPD 能取得较好的修复效果,戴用者口腔保健意识和复诊意识应加强。


Objective To investigate the awareness of the oral hygiene knowledge and the satisfaction of people with removable partial denture(RPD) and the influence of RPD to oral soft and hard tissue, thus to provide suggestions for oral health education and RPD making. Methods 307 senior people in Chengdu wearing RPD were investigated, and the data were analyzed statistically. Results 307 people who were investigated have good oral hygiene habits and a higher percentage of using correct toothbrushing habits, but only 10.1% and 2.9% do scaling periodically and use dental floss respectively. The average longevity of RPD is 6.94 years. 93.8% of people think dentures should be changed unless they are broken. Only 1.0% of them pay subsequent visit every 3 to 6 months. More than 87.6% of them are satisfied with the RPD. 14.5% of abutment teeth are affected with caries. The cleanliness of the tissue surface is related to smoking, food impaction, removing dentures before going to bed or not, scaling, toothbrushing habits, denture longevity and cleaning methods of dentures in order. Conclusion RPD can achieve a preferable restoration effect. Those who wear RPD should strengthen the awareness of oral hygiene knowledge and pay subsequent visit periodically.



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