

儿童前牙区牙槽骨和基骨骨密度的锥形束CT 测量

Density of the anterior area of alveolar and basal bones on the children measured by cone beam computed tomography

作者:王军 任卫萍 龙飞 栗震亚

Author:Wang Jun, Ren Weiping, Long Fei, Li Zhenya.

收稿日期:2011-07-29          年卷(期)页码:2012,39(1):25-28


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology

关键字:儿童, 牙槽骨, 基骨, 骨密度,

Key words:children, alveolar bone, basal bone, bone mineral density,



目的 评估儿童前牙区上下颌牙槽骨和基骨的骨密度。方法 选择138 例患者的锥形束CT 扫描图像,以亨斯菲尔德单位(X线衰减单位Hu)来测定其上下颌切牙区、尖牙区牙槽嵴和基骨骨密质及骨松质的骨密度。结果 上颌切牙区左右两侧相同部位间的骨密度值相比较,差异没有统计学意义(P>0.05);下颌切牙区左右两侧相同部位的骨密度值相比较,基骨区舌侧骨密质的骨密度值差异有统计学意义(P=0.012);上颌尖牙区左右两侧相同部位的骨密度值相比较,差异没有统计学意义(P>0.05);下颌尖牙区左右两侧相同部位的骨密度值相比较,牙槽骨和基骨区骨松质的骨密度值差异有统计学意义,P 值分别为0.046 和0.002。结论 本研究可为前牙区微螺旋种植体植入位置和方法提供一定的数据。


Objective The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate density value on anterior of the alveolar and basal bones on children. Methods 138 cases cone beam computed tomography images were selected. The densities of these bones were measured in Hounsfield units(Hu) for the incisor, canine of the anterior area of alveolar and basal bones on the children. Results There is no significant difference on the same position of the maxillary bilateral(right and left) incisors of the density value(P>0.05). To compare with the incisors of the density value on the same position of the mandibule on left and right, there is significant difference on the base bone on cortical bone density of lingual, P=0.012. There is no significant difference on the same position of the maxillary bilateral(right and left) canine of the density value. To compare with the canine of the density value on the same position of the mandibule on left and right, there is significant difference on the alveolar bone and basal bone cancellous density, P=0.046 and 0.002, respectively. Conclusion These might provide determinate data for anterior teeth zone when selecting sites and placement methods for microscrew implants in the dental arch.



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