

心电监护拔牙护理934 例分析

Nursing of 934 cases of tooth extraction under the monitoring of electrocardiogram

作者:廖学娟 赵佛容

Author:Liao Xuejuan, Zhao Forong.

收稿日期:2012-01-03          年卷(期)页码:2012,39(4):459-460


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology

关键字:心电监护, 拔牙, 护理,

Key words:monitoring of electrocardiogram, tooth extraction, nursing,



目的 探讨心电监护拔牙的手术效果、安全性及其护理要点。方法 对934 例需拔牙的心血管疾病患者在心电监护下拔牙,全程对患者进行护理和宣教。结果 纳入本研究的934 例患者中,913 例顺利完成拔牙,21 例发生血压升高、T 波改变等,用药后缓解,并完成拔牙。结论 心电监护拔牙为需拔牙的心血管疾病患者提供了一种安全有效的拔牙方法;护理是心电监护拔牙的重要组成部分,对降低手术风险具有积极的意义。


Objective To investigate the effect, complication and nursing key of tooth extraction under the monitoring of electrocardiogram. Methods 934 cases of tooth extraction accompanying with angiocardiopathy were treated under the monitoring of electrocardiogram. All the patients were nursed in all the management. Results Among the 934 cases, there was no any complication in 913 cases. There were some complications, such as high blood pressure, T wave changes, in 21 cases. Tooth extractions were finished after the patients had been given drugs and the symptom had disappeared. Conclusion Tooth extraction under the monitoring of electrocardiogram provides a safe and effective method for the patients of angiocardiopathy who need tooth extraction. Nursing is an important part of tooth extraction under the monitoring of electrocardiogram and helpful to decrease the danger of operation.


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