


External feature of the first premolars of some youth and junior in Shandong area

作者:王耀钟1 官群立2 邓婧2 邓悦1

Author:Wang Yaozhong1, Guan Qunli2, Deng Jing2, Deng Yue1.

收稿日期:2011-11-18          年卷(期)页码:2012,39(5):597-600


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology

关键字:青年, 少年, 第一前磨牙, 解剖形态,

Key words:youth, junior, first premolar, anatomic form,



目的通过山东地区部分青少年了解山东地区青少年的第一前磨牙外形特征,为口腔各学科临床治疗、教学和科研提供解剖学资料及理论依据。方法将收集的山东地区部分青少年第一前磨牙146 颗按牙位和性别分为8 组,依据已建立的牙形态学测量标准,以游标卡尺测量牙体的全长、冠长、根长、冠根比、冠宽、颈宽、冠宽颈宽比、冠厚、颈厚和冠厚颈厚比,用SPSS 13.0 软件行统计学分析。结果获得山东地区部分青少年第一前磨牙的外形数据。结论同一性别左右牙位间各项测量结果间差异无统计学意义,同一牙位不同性别间各项测量结果间差异有统计学意义。


Objective To investigate the morphology of the first permanent premolars from some youth and junior in Shandong region and provide anatomic data and therapy basis for clinical treatment, education and scientific research in department of stomatology. Methods One hundred and forty six freshly extracted first permanent premolars of youth and junior in Shandong region were collected and grouped by position and gender for 8 groups. The teeth were measured according to the established method, including the length of tooth, height of dental crown, length of dental root, the ratio of height of dental crown and length of dental root, width of dental crown, width of dental neck, the ratio of width of dental crown and width of dental neck, deep of dental crown, depth of dental neck, the ratio of deep of dental crown and depth of dental neck. Then the data were analyzed using the SPSS 13.0 software package. Results Some anatomic data of the first permanent premolars of hobbledehoy in Shandong region were obtained. Conclusion The anatomic data between the right and left position of the same gender had no difference and between different gender of the same position had some differences.


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