


Study of using all ceramic restoration to correct anterior mild malocclusion in adult

作者:欧祥林1 张雅蓉2 樊弘毅2 朱卓立2

Author:Ou Xianglin1, Zhang Yarong2, Fan Hongyi2, Zhu Zhuoli2.

收稿日期:2012-01-15          年卷(期)页码:2012,39(5):586-589


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology

关键字:全瓷, 错畸形, 贴面,

Key words:all ceramic, malocclusion, veener,



目的运用现代全瓷修复技术,通过短期治疗,矫正成人轻度前牙错畸形并达到临床美学修复的效果。方法选择具有轻度拥挤或牙体变色及咬合不良,不愿或不适合进行长期正畸治疗,无烤瓷冠修复禁忌证的134 例成年患者的478 颗前牙进行全瓷修复体美学修复。首先制取研究模型,通过标准全瓷修复程序,制作全瓷修复体,包括全冠370 个,贴面108 个。使用光敏全瓷粘接树脂材料完成粘接。结果通过3 个月的临床追踪调查,修复患者的总满意度达到93%,舒适度达到100%,96.65%的修复体达到了美国公共健康协会修正标准结果中的A 级标准。结论全瓷修复体适用于矫正轻度牙列拥挤、变色或咬合关系错乱,因年龄等原因不再适宜运用正畸疗法的患者。


Objective Through using modern all ceramic technique, we are able to correct anterior mild malocclusion in adult, at the same time achieve a great cosmetic result in a very short course of treatment. Methods 134 patients, total of 478 anterior teeth that had mild malocclusion and discoloration were involved in the study. All patients did not accept or not suitable for lengthy orthodontic treatment. Study model impression was taken and poured, by all ceramic standard procedure, two kinds of all ceramic restorations fabricated, included 108 anterior veeners and 370 full crowns were made, luting composite resins were used for seating the restoration. Results Patients total gratification achieved 93%, with the degree of comfort being the hightest which was achieved 100% and 96.65% restorations scored A using modified United States Public Health Service criteria, after three months of study and research. Conclusion It was found that all ceramic restoration may achieve the satisfied and stability result by using correct anterior mild malocclusion in adult.



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