


Periostin and periodontal tissue regeneration

作者:吕琳琳 李纾

Author:Lü Linlin, Li Shu.

收稿日期:2013-08-24          年卷(期)页码:2014,41(2):224-227


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology


Key words:periodontal tissues,periostin,extracellular matrix protein,teeth,




骨膜蛋白为成骨细胞及其前体细胞的细胞黏附分子,在骨膜中强表达,间接地参与骨形成和骨修复过程,还表达于牙周膜、肌腱、心脏瓣膜和皮肤等承受压力的纤维结缔组织。人类的骨膜蛋白基因定位于6p21,鼠类的骨膜蛋白基因位于17号染色体。骨膜蛋白有一个N-末端结构,一个富含半胱氨酸结构,四个同源性重复区,一个 C-末端。N-末端有一个典型的信号序列,提示其可能是一种分泌性蛋白。在牙胚的帽状期,骨膜蛋白表达于内釉上皮和前期成牙本质细胞层之间以及颈环周围的间充质。在牙胚钟状期的牙囊细胞中也有骨膜蛋白表达。在牙体移动过程中,骨膜蛋白是机械应力下骨和牙周组织改建过程中的局部促进因素之一。牙周组织修复再生的关键是促使来源于牙周膜的细胞优先附着于根面并增殖分化,进而形成新的牙周膜、牙骨质和牙槽骨,即形成新的牙周附着。骨膜蛋白是具有骨膜及牙周膜组织表达特异性的骨黏附蛋白,对成骨细胞的分化及组织的早期矿化有重要作用。


Periostin is the cell adhesion molecule of osteoblasts and their precursor cells. It is strongly expressed in the periosteum and is indirectly involved in bone formation and repair process. Moreover, it is expressed in connective tissues, such as periodontal ligament, tendons, heart valves, and skin fibers. The periostin protein gene in humans and rodents is located in chromosome 6p21 and the 17, respectively. Periostin protein has an N-terminal structure, a cysteine-rich structure, four homologous repeat region, and a C-terminal. It has a typical N-terminal signal sequence, which suggests that it may be a secretory protein. In the cap stage of tooth germ, periostin is expressed in the mesenchyme between the inner enamel epithelium and predentin, and around cervical loop. It is also expressed in the dental sac cell in the bell stage. The bell-shaped tooth dental follicle cells also contain periostin protein. In the process of moving the tooth, periostin is the local contributing factor of the remodeling process of bone and periodontal tissue under mechanical stress. The key factors of periodontal tissue repair and regeneration are the promotion of the cells derived from periodontal ligament cells, which preferentially adhere to the root surface, as well as the proliferation, differentiation, and formation of new periodontal ligament, cementum, and alveolar bone, that is, formation of new periodontal attachment. Periostin is a bone adhesion protein with a specific expression in periosteum and periodontal ligament tissue. It plays an important role in the early mineralization of bone cells and tissue differentiation.



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