Orthodontic study of the mandibular mesial-horizontal impacted third molar
作者:姜世同1 刘军2 陈玉长2 王作君3 马德庆1 焦广军1 姜良坤1
Author:Jiang Shitong1, Liu Jun2, Chen Yuchang2, Wang Zuojun3, Ma Deqing1, Jiao Guangjun1, Jiang Liangkun1.
收稿日期:2011-12-28 年卷(期)页码:2012,39(6):730-732
Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology
Key words:mandibular mesial-horizontal impacted third molar,fixed orthodontics,molar orthoaxis,
目的探索保存和利用近中水平阻生下颌第三磨牙的矫治方法,以期保留更多的近中水平阻生的下颌第三磨牙。方法利用自行研制的磨牙面正轴装置及磨牙远中正轴装置,配合下颌固定矫治器,对近中水平阻生的下颌第三磨牙进行矫治。结果利用本研究方法对10 例11 颗近中水平阻生的下颌第三磨牙进行17~26 个月矫治,均取得第三磨牙直立、稳定、覆覆盖关系正常的预期目标。结论利用磨牙面正轴装置及磨牙远中正轴装置,可快速、安全、高效地完成对近中水平阻生下颌第三磨牙的矫治。
Objective To explore the orthodontic method for preserving and making use of the mandibular mesial-horizontal impacted third molar. Methods An orthoaxis device on the occlusal plane and the distal plane of the molar was self-developed. And accompanied by a mandibular fixed appliance, it was used for the orthodontic treatment of the mandibular mesial-horizontal impacted third molar. Results 11 mandibular mesial-horizontal impacted third molars in 10 patients were treated with the self-developed device for 17 to 26 months. All of them were well erected and stabilized. And a satisfied overbite and overjet relationship was established. Conclusion Use of the orthoaxis device developed by us could rapidly, safely and efficiently accomplish the orthodontic treatment of the mandibular mesial-horizontal impacted third molar.
下一条:17 例儿童髁突骨折保守治疗的临床分析