Contemporary orthodontic techniques are used to prevent and intercept malocclusions before they start.“Management of occlusal guidance” means to control, guide, and treat the occlusion throughout the occlusal development process from deciduous dentition to mixed dentition, and finally, to permanent dentition. Applying the theory of “muscle win”, early functional training techniques are used to reduce the occurrence and severity of malocclusions by correcting mal-oral functions. The early training appliance is designed as a functional one, which is used to perform the following activities:1)reconstructing the occlusion to control the position and growth of the upper and lower jaws; 2)training the functions of the para-oral muscles and establishing normal nose breathing; 3)guiding the permanent eruption by the tooth slot; 4)re-establishing the normal arch forms. Using the early functional training appliances can train the oral functions, correct bad oral habits, guide the permanent tooth eruption, and intercept the Angle Class Ⅱ/Ⅲ malocclusions. The early functional training appliance has limitations, and proper timing and case selection are the keys to a successful treatment. As a very helpful clinical device, the early functional training appliance has become a part of the techniques in the occlusal guidance management system used by pediatric dentists and orthodontists.