


Comparison of patients from public hospitals and private clinics about their selection and satisfaction with crown and bridge prosthesis

作者:陈崧 黄森元 王沛棋 章恩虹 邱昱 王剑

Author:Chen Song, Huang Senyuan, Wang Peiqi, Zhang Enhong, Qiu Yu, Wang Jian

收稿日期:2016-01-22          年卷(期)页码:2016,43(5):528-532


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology


Key words:public hospital,private clinic,crown and bridge prosthesis,selection,satisfaction,



目的 了解分别在公立医院和私人诊所进行冠桥修复治疗的患者对修复体选择以及满意度之间可能存在的差异。方法 选择187例在公立医院或者私人诊所进行冠桥修复治疗的患者为研究对象,对其进行问卷调查。问卷分为A、B两卷:A卷由首次进行冠桥修复治疗的患者填写,主要研究其对修复体美观性、坚固性等因素的看重程度;B卷由曾经进行过冠桥修复治疗的患者填写,主要研究其满意度。使用SPSS 21.0统计软件进行数据分析。结果 分别在公立医院和私人诊所进行首次固定修复治疗的患者收入存在显著差异,在修复体的安全性和价格方面看重程度也存在显著差异。曾在公立医院和私人诊所进行过固定修复治疗的患者对其修复体的满意度之间无差异。结论 收入更高的患者群体更愿意前往他们认为安全性更有保障的公立医院行冠桥修复治疗,且能接受更高价格的治疗。成都市的私人口腔诊所发展势头强劲,在冠桥修复治疗效果上得到了患者的认可。公立医院医生应注意增加与患者的沟通,了解其根本诉求,不能因为就诊时间的关系忽略相关知识普及,减少医患矛盾的发生。


Objective This study aimed to investigate the potential difference between patients from public hospitals and private clinics about their selection and satisfaction with fixed crown and bridge prosthesis. Methods A total of 187 patients who received crown and bridge restoration were investigated via questionnaire. Two questionnaires, A and B, were developed. Questionnaire A was designed for the patients who received crown and bridge restoration for the first time. This questionnaire focused on how the participants valued the aesthetics, strength, and other characteristics of their restorations. Questionnaire B was used for the participants who had previously undergone crown and bridge restoration; the aim of this questionnaire was to investigate their satisfaction about their prostheses. Data were analyzed by SPSS 21.0. Results Significant differences were found in the patients’ income level, their safety considerations, and prices of the prostheses. However, patients who had previously undergone crown and bridge treatment shared the same degrees of satisfaction regardless of where they were treated. Conclusion Patients with higher income are more willing to have crown and bridge treatment in public hospitals because of their consideration of their safety. They can accept prostheses with higher prices. Private dental clinics in Chengdu are well developed and provide remarkable restoration techniques. To reduce doctor patient conflicts, doctors in public hospitals should focus on communication with patients to underst and their essentialdemands. The doctors should not neglect to inform patients about basic knowledge of crown and bridge restoration.



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