Impacts of malocclusion on daily performances in urban and rural children
作者:孙丞君, 许方清, 陈阳平, 刘丰艺, 罗佳英, 夏彬彬
Author:Sun Chengjun, Xu Fangqing, Chen Yangping, Liu Fengyi, Luo Jiaying, Xia Binbin
收稿日期:2016-05-06 年卷(期)页码:2017,44(3):304-309
Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology
关键字:错牙合畸形, 儿童, 日常生活质量, 城乡差异,
Key words:malocclusion, children, daily performance, urban and rural difference,
目的 研究错牙合畸形对城市和农村儿童日常生活质量的影响。方法 选取1 127名11~14周岁城市和农村儿童为研究对象,用安氏(Angle)法进行错分类,采用儿童日常生活口腔影响量表(Child-OIDP)中文版评估儿童日常生活受错牙合畸形的影响。结果 错牙合畸形对儿童日常生活影响的发生率为73.5%;不同畸形类别的Child-OIDP得分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);农村儿童在饮食、说话和发音、牙齿清洁、情绪方面的得分以及总得分大于城市儿童(P<0.05);日常生活不同方面得分存在差异(P<0.05)。结论 错牙合畸形对儿童日常生活质量的影响普遍存在,其中对牙齿清洁、饮食和笑容方面的影响相对较严重。农村儿童受影响程度较城市儿童大。
ObjectiveResearch the effects of malocclusion on the daily performances of urban and rural children.MethodsUrban and rural children aged between 11 and 14 years old were selected as the research subjects. The type of occlusion among the research subjects was determined based on Angle’s classification of malocclusion, and the effects of malocclusion on the daily performances of children were evaluated using the Chinese version of the child oral impacts on daily performances inventory(Child-OIDP).ResultsMalocclusion influenced the daily performances of 73.5% of the investigated children. However, the differences between the Child-OIDP scores among the different types of malocclusion identified was not statistically significant(P>0.05). Child-OIDP scores in eating, speaking, teeth cleaning, emotion, and overall effects of rural children were higher compared with those of the urban children(P<0 .05), and the scores among different aspects were statistically different(P<0 .05).ConclusionMalocclusion had a prevalent effect on the daily performances of children, and malocclusion significantly affected teeth cleaning, eating, and smiling of the children. Moreover, malocclusion has a more significant effect on the daily performance of rural children compared with that of rural children.