


Reliability and validity of the velopharyngeal insufficiency effects on life outcomes instrument

作者:黄汉尧, 王梦娇, 吴昊, 蒋莉萍, 张文婧, 韦杉, 尹恒

Author:Huang Hanyao, Wang Mengjiao, Wu Hao, Jiang Liping, Zhang Wenjing, Wei Shan, Yin Heng

收稿日期:2017-09-03          年卷(期)页码:2018,45(2):177-184


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology


Key words:velopharyngeal insufficiency,quality of life,reliability,validity,questionnaire,

基金项目:中国唇腭裂诊治联盟多中心合作课题基金(2016008); 四川省卫生和计划生育委员会科技项目(130131)


目的 通过腭咽闭合不全相关生存质量量表(VELO)中文版信度与效度的验证研究,探讨其在中国相应适龄腭咽闭合不全(VPI)患者及其家长中应用的可行性。方法 按照国际生存质量评价(IQoLA)项目的标准程序,对原版VELO系列问卷中的患者问卷、家长问卷分别进行翻译、回译、文化调适和改造,建立中文版VELO,形成VPI患者生活质量的自我评估及家长评估的量表。使用该系列量表对诊断为VPI的患者及其家长进行相关生存质量调查,考评量表的信度和效度。结果 本次研究共发放问卷366例,回收问卷366例,其中患者用表211例,家长用表155例。有效量表362例,约占98.91%。患者用表中实验组109例,对照组99例;家长用表中实验组66例,对照组88例。VELO系列量表内部一致性Cronbach’s α系数患者用表为0.937、家长用表为0.950,Guttman分半信度系数患者用表为0.908、家长用表为0.887。内容效度显示各条目与相应维度间均为中度或高度相关,量表总体区分效度P值小于0.05说明该表具有良好的区分能力。以上结果均达到IQoLA项目的标准。结论 VLEO中文版具有良好的信度和效度,其良好的心理测量学性质为适用于中国适龄的VPI患者的相关生存质量调查提供了理论依据。


ObjectiveIn this study, we aim to translate the original English version of the velopharyngeal insufficiency effects on life outcomes instrument (VELO) into Chinese and test the psychometric properties of VELO among eligible Chinese patients with velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI).MethodsThe original English version of VELO was translated, back-translated, and adapted among different cultures. Based on the standard procedures of the International Quality of Life Assessment (IQoLA) project, VELO was established for self-assessment by patients and assessment by caregivers. The reliability and validity of our translated VELO were assessed in Chinese patients with VPI and their caregivers.ResultsA total of 366 questionnaires were completed, 211 of whichwere completed by patients and 155 by caregivers. In addition, 362 (98.91%) valid questionnaires were collected, comprising 109 questionnaires from the patients in the experimental group, 99 from the patients in the control group, 66 from the caregivers in the experimental group, and 88 from the caregivers in the control group. The cronbach’s α of VELO for a patient with VPI was 0.937, and that of a caregiver was 0.950. Meanwhile, the Guttman split-half reliability coefficient of a patient with VPI was 0.908, and that of a caregiver was 0.887. After the content was validated, the items had intermediate or high correlation with corresponding domains. The patients with VPI and control patients were effectively discriminated through VELO, indicating that the results reached the IQoLA standard. The same result was obtained in the caregivers.ConclusionThe translated Chinese version of VELO has acceptable reliability and validity. These psychometric properties provide theoretical evidence for further use of VELO in Chinese patients with VPI.


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