

控制记忆型镍钛锉HyFlex CM根管预备的临床效果分析

Clinical evaluation of HyFlex CM instruments in root canal preparation

作者:朱玉婷 刘江峰 黄江勇 徐妍 李艳利 李晓星 陈秉勋

Author:Zhu Yuting, Liu Jiangfeng, Huang Jiangyong, Xu Yan, Li Yanli, Li Xiaoxing, Chen Bingxun

收稿日期:2014-01-12          年卷(期)页码:2014,41(5):521-525


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology

关键字:控制记忆型镍钛锉HyFlex CM,根管预备,根管治疗,

Key words:HyFlex CM instruments,root canal preparation,root canal therapy,



目的 评价控制记忆型镍钛锉HyFlex CM根管预备的临床疗效。方法 选择拟行根管治疗的300颗下颌第一磨牙和第二磨牙随机分为HyFlex CM组和Protaper组,分别用HyFlex CM机用镍钛锉和Protaper锉进行根管预备,采用卡方检验比较2组在根管预备时间、根管预备后的疼痛反应、根管充填效果、器械分离率等方面的差异。结果 平均预备时间HyFlex CM组为21.7 min、Protaper组为22.5 min(P>0.05);疼痛发生率HyFlex CM 组为4%,Protaper组为3%(P>0.05);根管恰填率HyFlex CM 组为95.10%,Protaper组为96.18%(P>0.05); HyFlex CM组发生 1例器械分离,Protaper组发生6例器械分离。结论 HyFlex CM同样能有效降低根管预备后疼痛的发生,也能更好地保持根管解剖的初形,明显减少器械分离的发生,从而提高了根管充填的效率和质量。


Objective This study aims to assess the clinical effects of HyFlex CM instruments on root canal preparation. Methods A total of 300 mandibular first molars and second molars that required endodontic treatment were selected and randomly divided into two groups, namely, the HyFlex CM and Protaper groups. The root canals were prepared with HyFlex CM instruments in the HyFlex CM group and with Protaper in the Protaper group. The root canal preparation time, incidence of pain after root canal preparation, effects of canal obturation, and incidence of instrument separation were compared by using the χ2 test. Results The average root canal preparation time in the HyFlex CM group was 21.7 min, whereas that in the Protaper group was 22.5 min(P>0.05). The incidence rate of postoperative pain in the HyFlex CM group was 4%, whereas that in the Protaper group was 3%(P>0.05). Adequate root canal filling in the HyFlex CM group was 95.10%, whereas that in the Protaper group was 96.18%(P>0.05). Instrument separation in the HyFlex CM group was 1, whereas that in the Protaper group was 6. Conclusion HyFlex CM instruments can reduce the incidence of postoperative pain, as well as maintain a satisfactory anatomical shape of the root canal while significantly decreasing instrument separation. These conditions can improve filling effect and quality.



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