Objective Survey the cognition of implant dentures of Chengdu and Xi’an citizens, and comparatively analyze the differences and influencing factors. Methods A questionnaire was designed for this study. Its main content included basic demographics of respondents(gender, age, cultural level, and income level), and cognition level of implant dentures(concept and main characteristics of implant dentures). The sampling survey was carried out randomly among Chengdu and Xi’an citizens in November, 2013 using the designed questionnaire. The results were then statistically analyzed. Results There were 905 valid questionnaires in Chengdu and 945 ones in Xi’an. The average score about the cognition level of implant dentures of Chengdu residents was 7.12±3.36 and it was 6.98±2.96 of Xi’an residents. The influencing factors of cognition of implant dentures are the cultural level, income level and age. Conclusion The citizens’ cognition of implant dentures is not high in both Chengdu and Xi’an. Chengdu citizens’ cognition is slightly higher than the ones in Xi’an. The effective measures to increase the cognition level of implant dentures may include strengthening doctor-patient communication, enhancing public health education, improving medical technology, and reducing the cost of implant dentures.