Clinical study on secondary alveolar bone grafting by lip side combined with palate side approach
作者:鲁勇, 石冰, 王志勇, 李浩
Author:Lu Yong, Shi Bing, Wang Zhiyong, Li Hao
收稿日期:2016-04-16 年卷(期)页码:2017,44(1):19-23
Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology
Key words:alveolar cleft,alveolar bone graft,repair,
基金项目:江苏省卫生厅医学科研项目(H201239); 南京市医学科技发展项目(YKK15117,QRX11125)
Objective To assess the clinical effect of secondary alveolar bone grafting(SABG) by lip side combined with palate side approach. Methods The study included 45 cases of alveolar clefts treated with SABG. The experimental group comprised 21 alveolar cleft cases that received SABG by lip side combined with palate side approach(age range 9-13 years, mean age 10.3 years). The control group comprised 24 alveolar cleft cases that received SABG by lip side approach(age range 9-14 years, mean age 11.2 years). Postoperative pain and swelling were recorded and analyzed. After a follow-up period of 1-12 months, the amount of bone in the SABG areas were retrospectively analyzed according to the Bergland scales. Results The occurrence of postoperative pain and swelling in the experimental group was lower than that in control group. A total of 81% of cases in the experimental group were categorized as successful, and 42% of cases in the control group were categorized as successful. Conclusion SABG through lip side combined with palate side approach has a high success rate with a low incidence of complications. This method has satisfactory clinical results with less surgical trauma and postoperative adverse reactions.