


Experimental Study on Correlativity of Testing Parameters and Educing Parameters of Foundation Soil Under Water in the Lower Reaches of Yangtze River

作者:蒋建平(上海海事大学 海洋环境与工程学院,上海 200135);章杨松(南京理工大学 土木工程系,南京 210094);高广运(同济大学 地下建筑与工程系,上海 200092;4. 南京大学 地球科学系,南京 210093)

Author:(College of Ocean Entironment and Eng., Shanghai Maritime Univ.,Shanghai 200135,China);(Dept. of Civil Eng., Nanjing Univ. of Sci. and Technol., Nanjing 210094,China);(Dept. of Geotechnical Eng., Tongji Univ., Shanghai 200092,China)

收稿日期:2007-03-14          年卷(期)页码:2008,40(3):13-19


Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences


Key words:testing parameter;educing parameter;foundation soil under water;correlativity;tests



为深入研究土体物理力学参数的归类和相互之间的关系,采集苏通长江公路大桥水下地基土勘探钻孔中的大量土样,对土样进行了各种类型的土工试验,获取了地基土各类物理力学参数。对各类参数进行综合分析的基础上,将地基土参数分为测试参数和导出参数。并利用统计回归分析,得到了导出参数和测试参数间的相关曲线、相关方程式及相关系数。 发现压缩模量与测试参数成好的指数关系, 相关系数为0.8548~0.8701; 压缩系数与测试参数也成指数关系,与标贯的相关关系为0.7338,与天然密度、干密度、天然孔隙比、 天然含水量的相关关系为0.8982~0.9222;液性指数与标贯成指数关系,相关系数为0.8557;与其它测试参数的线性相关系数为0.9401~0.9596;塑限与测试参数成线性关系,相关系数为0.74132~0.75901; 粘聚力与测试参数成指数关系,相关系数为0.7158~0.7988;电阻率与测试参数成指数关系,相关系数为0.9358~0.9852。结果表明,通过建立导出参数和测试参数之间的数学回归关系式来确定新的工程区的压缩模量、压缩系数、粘聚力、塑限、液性指数、电阻率等参数不失为一个有效而适用的方法,这些回归方程式能为长江下游及类似地区地基土参数的计算和预测提供重要参考。


In order to study the classification and interrelation of soil physical and mechanical parameters,large numbers of soil samples under water were collected from the drilling holes in the foundation of Sutong bridge in lower reaches of Yangtze River.All sorts of geotechnical tests were conducted for the collected samples, and a variety of physical parameters and mechanical parameters were obtained. Based on synthetical analysis to all parameters, soil parameters were divided into testing parameters (including moisture capacity,void ration,density, standard penetration test (SPT)) and educing parameters (including modulus of compression, coefficient of compressibility,cohesion,angle of internal friction,plastic limit,liquid limit,plasticity index,liquidity index, resistivity, et al.).Through statistical regression analysis,regression curves, regression equations and correlativity coefficients between educing parameters and testing parameters were achieved. It is found that, firstly, there exists good exponential correlativity between modulus of compression, coefficient of compressibility and the testing parameters, the correlativity coefficient between modulus of compression and the testing parameters is from 0.8548 to 0.8701; the correlativity coefficient between coefficient of compressibility and SPT is 0.7338; the correlativity coefficient between coef ficient of compressibility and natural density, dry density, natural void ration and natural moisture capacity is 0.8982~0.9222.Secondly, there exists good exponential correlativity between liquidity index and SPT, the correlativity coefficient is 0.8557, the linear correlativity coefficient between liquidity index and other testing parameters is 0.9401~0.9596, and the linear correlativity coefficient between plastic limit and testing parameters is 0.74132~0.75901.Thirdly, the exponential correlativity coefficient between cohesion and testing parameters is 0.7158~0.7988, and the exponential correlativity coefficient between resistivity and testing parameters is 0.9358~0.9852. The following conclusions can be drawn that the confirmation of modulus of compression, coefficient of compressibility, cohesion, plastic limit, liquidity index and resistivity by the mathematic correlativity equations between educing parameters and testing parameters is an effective and practical method, and these regression formulae can offer important reference for the calculation and estimation of the parameters of soft soil in the lower reaches of Yangtze River and similar area.


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