


Set Pair Analysis Based Variable Fuzzy Set Assessment Model for Watershed Water Resources Security

作者:吴开亚(复旦大学 公共管理与公共政策创新基地, 上海 200433);金菊良(合肥工业大学 土木与水利工程学院, 安徽 合肥 230009);周玉良(河海大学 水问题研究所, 江苏 南京 210098)

Author:(National Innovative Institute for Public Management and Public Policy, Fudan Univ., Shanghai 200433,China);(School of Civil Eng., Hefei Univ. of Technol., Hefei 230009,China);(Institute of Water Problem, Research Academy of Hohai Univ., Nanjing 210098,China)

收稿日期:2007-03-20          年卷(期)页码:2008,40(3):6-12


Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences


Key words:management of watershed water security; water resources security assessment; assessment index system;set pair analysis;variable fuzzy set;Chaohu watershed





Quantitative assessment of watershed water resources security is very important for further increasing the sustainable utilization level of watershed water resources,optimizing the industrial structure,and releasing the conflict between supply and demand of water resources.On the basis of expert consult and water resources security investigation,the primary assessment index system of watershed water resources security is established,the index system is filtrated by the accelerating genetic algorithm based fuzzy analytic hierarchy process,and the final index system of watershed water resources security and its grading criterion are set up.A new method is presented to determine the relative membership degree function of variable fuzzy set of the assessed samples according criterion grades by using set pair analysis method,and a new quantitative assessment model of watershed water resources security, named SPA-QAM for short,is established by using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.The research result of SPA-QAM applied to Chaohu watershed shows the watershed lies in the critical security state,the population growth must further be controlled,the water saving agriculture technology must be spread,and the water consumption of unit agriculture production value must be reduced in order to further heighten the safeguard degree of the watershed water resources security.SPA-QAM mines fully the information of the relationship degree function between the assessed samples and the criterion grades,the evaluation results of SPA AM are reliable and possesses higher precision. SPA-QAM is visual,simple and general,and can be applied to different comprehensive assessment problems under the known grading evaluation criterion.


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