


The Characteristics of Particle Biofilm Sequencing Batch MBR for Wastewater Treatment

作者:郭勇(四川大学 建筑与环境学院,四川 成都 610065);李礼(四川大学 建筑与环境学院,四川 成都 610065);陈文清(四川大学 建筑与环境学院,四川 成都 610065)

Author:(School of Architecture and Environmental, Sichuan Univ., Chengdu 610065, China);(School of Architecture and Environmental, Sichuan Univ., Chengdu 610065, China);(School of Architecture and Environmental, Sichuan Univ., Chengdu 610065, China)

收稿日期:2007-11-27          年卷(期)页码:2008,40(4):66-70


Journal Name:Advanced Engineering Sciences


Key words:membrane bioreactor;membrane fouling;membrane flux;wastewater treatment



采用投加多孔聚合物载体的序批式膜生物反应器处理人工废水及某化工废水,考察了系统对污染物去除效果及影响膜污染的因素。结果表明,系统处理人工配水时,当COD进水浓度为218~1003 mg/L,NH3-N浓度为24~96 mg/L,对COD、氨氮的去除率分别为87%~99%、65%~99%;处理工业废水时,COD进水浓度为174~709 mg/L,NH3-N浓度为18~63 mg/L,COD、氨氮的去除率分别为60%~96%、72%~94%。实验发现,添加多孔聚合物颗粒后,在MLSS低于19.2 g/L的浓度


A sequencing batch membrane bioreactor with polymer microcarriers was introduced to treat synthetic organic wastewater and industrial wastewater containing toluene and xylene. The removal effect of pollutants and the influence factors of membrane fouling were observed. The results showed that when the synthetic organic wastewater with the influent COD concentration of 218~1003 mg/L and NH3-N concentration of 24~96 mg/Lwas treated , the removal rates of COD and NH3-N were 87%~99% and 65%~99%, respectively; when industrial wastewater with the influent COD concentration of 174~709 mg/L and NH3-N concentration of 18~63 mg/L was treated, the removal rates of COD and NH3-N were 60%~96% and 72%~94%, respectively. It was found that, there was not significant membrane fouling when the MLSS concentration was under 19.28 g/L after polymer microcarriers were put into the MBR. Continuous suction impelled faster growth of transmembrane pressure difference, which accelerated membrane pollution. The operations of sequencing batch MBR with polymer microcarriers were studied, which provided the basis for practical application of this new pattern MBR.


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