


Experiment on repair of mandible defect with nano-hydroxyapatite and compound mem

作者:张莉, 马宁, 车彦海, 边晓为

Author:ZHANG Li, MA Ning, CHE Yan -hai, BIAN Xiao -wei

收稿日期:2009-01-08          年卷(期)页码:2009,36(6):647-649,654


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology


Key words:collagen, nano-hydroxyapatite, bone defect,



目的 观察纳米羟磷灰石(nHA)和胶原复合膜诱导下颌骨成骨的能力。方法 将nHA 和胶原复合并将其制备成nHA-胶原复合膜。以20只健康成年的新西兰大耳兔作为实验动物,在其双侧下颌骨下缘中部形成1.0 cm×0.5 cm×0.5 cm 的骨缺损。以右侧为实验侧。在缺损区植入HA-胶原复合膜,左侧骨缺损区不植骨,作为对照组。28、56 d 后行X 线和组织病理检查,观察成骨情况。结果 在实验侧28 d 时,有小片状类骨质出现;56 d 时,新生骨形成大片状结构,nHA-胶原复合膜大部分降解,缺损由骨组织修复。空白对照侧仅为纤维组织修复。结论 nHA-胶原复合膜可诱导颌骨再生。nHA-胶原复合膜作为骨缺损修复材料,应用前景良好。


Objective To study the effects of nano-hydroxyapatite(nHA) and collagen compound membrane on the repair of mandibular defects. Methods Put nHA and combine together to prepare nHA and collagen compound membrane. 20 healthy adult New Zealand rabbits were prepared rectangle bone defects of about 1.0 cm×0.5 cm×0.5 cm at middle part of bottom edge of both mandibles. The right side was the experimental one, whose defect was covered with nHA and collagen compound membrane. While the left group was sutured without any membrane. 28, 56 d after implantation, the effectiveness of bone formation was evaluated by means of X-ray observation and histological examination. Results nHA and complex group: New bone formation in the implanted defects were observed 28 d after operation, and the defects were replaced by mature bone tissue 56 d after operation and most of nHA and complex membrane was degra-ded. Blank contrast group: Fibrous tissue was found in the bone defects

8 weeks after operation. Conclusion nHA and collagen compound membrane may be feasible in the repair of bone defects.

下一条:转化生长因子-β1 和血管内皮生长因子在兔下颌骨缺损修复中的表达


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