


Changes in alveolar bone thickness due to retraction of lower anterior teeth

作者:李佳岭1 李小兵2 李佳园3

Author:Li Jialing1, Li Xiaobing2, Li Jiayuan3.

收稿日期:2010-09-11          年卷(期)页码:2011,38(4):392-394


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology

关键字:牙槽骨厚度, 拔牙, 切牙, 头影测量,

Key words:alveolar thickness, extraction, incisor, cephalometry,



目的 对拔除第一前磨牙内收下切牙后,下切牙区牙槽骨的改建情况进行头影测量分析。方法 选择 47 例治疗前轻度拥挤、拔除4 颗第一前磨牙以内收下切牙的患者,在其治疗前后行X 线头颅侧位片检查,采用 盲法对软硬组织和下切牙区牙槽唇舌侧厚度的进行测量,并采用SPSS 13.0 软件对治疗前后的测量数据进行配对 t 检验。结果 头影测量分析显示:拔除4 颗第一前磨牙内收切牙后,下切牙区牙槽整体厚度减小。唇舌向:舌 侧牙槽厚度减少较多,唇侧牙槽厚度减小较少。垂直向:靠近牙冠的牙槽厚度减少较少,根部减小较多。结论 内收下切牙后,牙槽骨的生物学改建以吸收为主,增生很少,因此下前牙牙槽厚度减少明显。治疗前下齿槽座 点和根尖处唇舌侧骨皮质改建能力较弱,可以近似作为下切牙移动的“限制点”所在,帮助临床医生确定下切 牙移动的范围。


Objective To investigate the changes of alveolar bone thickness after retraction of lower incisor. Methods 47 patients of slight crowding and four first premolars extracted for orthodontics purpose, were collected as study samples. Their pre- and post treatment cephalometric films were analyzed by blind method for hard and soft tissue changes and remodeling of anterior alveolar after treatment. Paired t test was used to evaluate the hard and soft tissue changes with SPSS 13.0 software package. Results The cephalometric values demonstrated that: Lower incisor alveolar thickness showed a significant decrease after incisor retraction. From sagittal view, the lingual cortical plate thickness reduced more than the labial one; from vertical view, alveolar bone thickness at the apical level decreased more than that at the coronal level. Conclusion The absorption of alveolar bone exceed the apposition during lower incisor retraction, so that the alveolar thickness decreased significantly. The labial and lingual cortial plates at the level of incisor apex may represent the anatomic limits of tooth movements which help doctors to make treatment decisions.



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