

碱性磷酸酶mRNA 在体内组织工程骨中的表达

Expression of alkaline phosphatase mRNA of tissue engineering bone in vivo

作者:孙兰英1 王其宝1 包崇云2 葛文章1 杜毅1

Author:Sun Lanying1, Wang Qibao1, Bao Chongyun2, Ge Wenzhang1, Du Yi1.

收稿日期:2010-02-15          年卷(期)页码:2011,38(4):388-391


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology

关键字:碱性磷酸酶, 体内组织工程骨, 骨诱导, 磷酸钙陶瓷,

Key words:alkaline phosphatase, in vivo tissue engineering bone, bone induction, calcium phosphate cement,




目的 检测碱性磷酸酶(akp)mRNA 在磷酸钙陶瓷(CPC)构建的体内组织工程骨中的表达,并将其与自 然再生骨进行比较。方法 将28 粒CPC 分别植入7 只犬的竖直肌内,并拔除犬的1 颗磨牙使之形成自然再生 骨模型。术后3/7、1、2、4、8、12 和24 周,取出犬体内组织工程骨和自然再生骨,再以实时定量PCR 检测其 akp mRNA 的表达。结果 在试验周期内,akp mRNA 在体内组织工程骨中表达达到峰值的时间较自然再生骨 晚,且表达量少,但akp mRNA 在这两种骨中均呈先上升后下降的现象。结论 体内组织工程骨的钙化较自然 再生骨晚,且量少,但骨形成过程中基因的表达趋势与自然再生骨相似。


Objective To detect the expression of alkaline phosphatase(akp) mRNA in in vivo tissue engineering bone constructed with calcium phosphate cement and do a comparison with that in naturally healing bone. Methods 28 porous calcium phosphate cement cylinders were implanted into the dorsal muscles of 7 dogs respectively and one molar was pulled out in each dog to create naturally healing bone model. The in vivo tissue engineering bone and the naturally healing bone were harvested at 3/7, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 weeks post-implantation. Then, akp mRNA was detected by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction(PCR). Results In this experiment akp mRNA was expressed at lower levels with delayed peak in in vivo tissue engineering bone than that in naturally healing bone. However, the expression of akp mRNA shared a similar pattern of initially upregulated and finally down-regulated in the two kinds of bone. Conclusion The in vivo tissue engineering bone is calcified later and fewer than natrually healing bone. However, the gene expression pattern is similar to that of naturally healing bone in bone formation.



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