


Fiberoptic bronchoscope facilitated intubation in patients undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgery


Author:XIE Guang-lun, CHU Qin-jun, SUN Zhen-tao, WANG Yong, SONG Jin-sheng.

收稿日期:          年卷(期)页码:2010,37(4):403-405


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology

关键字:纤维支气管镜, 气管插管, 口腔, 颌面, 手术,

Key words:fiberoptic bronchoscope, intubation, oral, maxillofacial, operation,



目的总结纤维支气管镜(FOB)引导气管插管在口腔颌面部手术中的应用。方法选择口腔颌面部手术中可能存在困难气道的患者共122 例,采用Olympus 光导FOB 引导气管插管。全麻或局麻下FOB 经鼻腔或口腔进入患者咽喉部后,操作者通过镜身的旋转、俯仰等动作寻找会厌和声门,在声门开放时轻柔进入气管内隆突上约5 cm,再将气管导管送入气管内,退出FOB 并再次确认气管导管的位置,妥善固定好气管导管。结果122 例患者均插管成功。结论FOB 引导气管插管可大大减少或避免口腔颌面部手术全麻中的气道困难,应作为口腔颌面部手术中的常规气道管理技术来推广使用。


Objective To describe the application of fiberoptic bronchoscope(FOB) facilitated intubation in patients undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgery. Methods 122 patients with suspected difficult airway scheduled for oral and maxillofacial surgery were included in the study. All the patients were intubated under FOB facilitation with endotracheal tube after topical anesthesia or general anesthesia. The lubricated scope was inserted down the airway and the epiglottis and vocal cords were visualized by rotation and angulation of the scope. When the glottis was opening, the scope was gently introduced into trachea until about 5 cm over carina. Then the ensleeved endotracheal tube was advanced into trachea under direct vision and the scope was drawn back and out. After confirming the tip position of endotracheal tube, it was properly secured with sticking plaster. Results 122 patients were successfully intubated with facilitation of the FOB. Conclusion FOB guidance for endotracheal intubation markedly decreased the incidence of difficult intubation in patients undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgery. The application of this technique should be promoted as a standard procedure.

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