


Antimicrobial effect of photo-activated disinfection therapy in vitro and in vivo studies


Author:WANG Qian-qian1, YAO Na1, ZHAO Xiao-yi2, ZHANG Cheng-fei1,3.

收稿日期:          年卷(期)页码:2010,37(4):392-395


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology

关键字:光活化消毒, 粪肠球菌, 根管消毒, 细菌, 激光,

Key words:photo-activated disinfection, Enterococcus faecalis, root canal disinfection, bacteria, laser,



目的利用体外实验和临床试验评估光活化消毒技术(PAD)进行根管消毒的效果。方法体外选择30 颗单根管牙根建立粪肠球菌ATCC29212 感染模型,分为3 组。用PAD 技术进行根管消毒并取样,质量分数为 2.5%的NaClO 冲洗和生理盐水冲洗分别作为阳性和阴性对照组。临床选取50 例慢性根尖周炎病例,随机分为2 组。根管预备时质量分数为2.5%的NaClO 溶液冲洗。预备后组1 采用PAD 消毒,组2 用生理盐水冲洗。预备前后取样,所有样本接种于脑心浸液(BHI)培养基培养后记录菌落数。结果体外实验:PAD 组细菌减少了 99.86%,阳性对照组减少了100%,阴性对照组减少了96.94%。PAD 组细菌回复10 例均为阳性,阳性对照组6 例,阴性对照组10 例。临床试验:根管机械预备后细菌减少了99.98%。组1 中PAD 消毒后细菌培养均为阴性,组2 细菌减少了36%。2 组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论PAD 单独使用可以降低根管内粪肠球菌的数量,但效果低于NaClO。临床PAD 技术辅助根管预备可以进一步降低细菌的数量。


Objective To investigated the antimicrobial effect of photo-activated disinfection therapy(PAD) in association with endodontic treatment in vitro and in vivo studies. Methods In vitro study, 30 single-rooted teeth were selected and contaminated with Enterococcus faecalis ATCC29212. The specimens were randomly divided into 3 groups. PAD therapy, 2.5% NaClO irrigation(positive control) and saline solution(negative control) were used to disinfect the root canals in each group respectively. In vivo study, 50 single-root canals teeth were selected, and then randomly distributed into 2 groups. Each root canal was instrumented and irrigated with 2.5% NaClO. Then the root canals in group 1 were disinfected with PAD and the root canals in group 2 were irrigated with saline solution. Microbial sample was taken before and after instrumentation/irrigation and PAD therapy, plated onto the BHI agar and the colony forming units were counted. Results In vitro study, the bacterial counts reduced 99.86% after PAD disinfection compared with 100% in positive control group and 96.94% in negative control group. The recovery of bacteria was detected in 10 samples after PAD disinfection compared 6 samples in positive control group and 10 samples in negative control group. In vivo study, bacterial counts reduced 99.98% after instrumentation in two groups. After the PAD therapy, there was no positive colony forming units were detected in group 1, compared 36% ruduction in group 2. But no significantly difference was found between the two groups(P>0.05). Conclusion PAD can decrease Enterococcus faecalis load in root canals, which is lower than NaClO. The use of PAD added to endodontic treatment leads to an enhanced decrease of bacterial load in infected root canals.



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