After tooth extraction, there would be some degree of alveolar bone crest absorption with soft tissue recession, which leads to unsatisfactory implantation restoration. Platelet-rich fibrin(PRF) contains platelet, leukocyte, cytokines, transforming growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, insulin-like growth factor, et al. These cells and factors could regulate the proliferation, differentiation, and programmeddeath of cells effectively, which are related to tissue regeneration. PRF could promote vascularization in operation site, enhance infected resistance, and promote the regeneration of soft and hard tissue. The porous and reticulated structureof PRF makes it easy for growth factors and oxygen to diffuse, and for new bone forming to replace blood vessels. Itprovides enough space for the vascularization of bone, which promotes the regeneration of soft and hard tissue eventually. Compared with platelet-rich plasma, PRF is acquired from the patients themselves, need less time to prepare, and have better biosecurity and bioactivity. It could work alone, and cooperate with other materials as well.