


Effects of hot hydrochloric acid combined with heating on titanium-ceramic bonding strength

作者:孙旭1 翟浚江2 廖健2 滕敏华2 黄河1 郭长军1

Author:Sun Xu1, Zhai Junjiang2, Liao Jian2, Teng Minhua2, Huang He1, Guo Changjun1

收稿日期:2014-02-22          年卷(期)页码:2014,41(5):518-520


Journal Name:International Journal of Stomatology


Key words:energy dispersing spectroscopy,pure titanium,titanium-ceramic bending strength,three-point bending test,




目的 探讨热盐酸结合加热处理对钛瓷结合强度的影响。方法 选用TA2型纯钛制备纯钛试件36件,随机分为4组,每组9件,1组为对照组,不进行任何处理;另外3组分别用5%、15%、25%煮沸状态盐酸酸洗40 min,冷却后置于真空烤瓷炉内升温至760 ℃保持1 min。制备符合测量钛瓷结合强度的标准钛瓷试件。场发射扫描电子显微镜观察钛试件截面形貌,能谱仪线扫描分析钛瓷界面区元素迁移,三点弯曲法测定钛瓷结合强度。结果 随盐酸浓度增大,氧化层厚度和反应层厚度随之增加;15%盐酸组钛瓷结合强度最大,25%盐酸组次之,5%盐酸组最小,但均大于对照组。结论 热盐酸结合加热处理可提高钛瓷结合强度。在本研究条件下,15%盐酸结合加热处理效果最佳。


Objective This study aimed to discover the effects of hot hydrochloric acid combined with heating on titanium-ceramic bonding strength. Methods Thirty-six industrial pure titanium TA2 test samples were randomly dividedinto four groups, with each group containing nine samples. One of the four groups was the control group with no treatment, and the other three were separately treated with 5%, 15%, and 25% boiling hydrochloric acid for 40 min. After cooling, the samples were placed in a porcelain fused to metal furnace up to 760 ℃ for 1 min. Titanium-porcelain specimens for bonding strength test were prepared. The titanium sample sections were observed with a field-emission scanning electron microscope. The elements’ transmigration in the titanium-ceramic interface was analyzed by energy-dispersive spectroscopy, and titanium-ceramic bonding strength was measured by the three-point bending method. Results The thickness of the oxide and reaction layers gradually increased with increased hydrochloric acid concentration. Among the four groups, the titanium-ceramic bonding strength of the 15% hydrochloric acid group was the strongest, followed by that of the 25% group and that of the 5% group. The titanium-ceramic bonding strength of the control group was the weakest. Conclusion Hot hydrochloric acid combined with heating treatment can improve titanium-ceramic bonding strength. Within the limits of the present study, the 15% hydrochloric acid treatment had the most obvious effect.

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