【Abstract】 Objective To detect protein dynamic changes of cellular localization and the DNA damage response of epithelial ovarian cancer cells to chemo-radiotherapy. Methods 28 specimens of epithelial ovarian cancer were collected, with 6 cases diagnosed as borderline serous cystadenoma, 5 as highly differentiated, 6 as medium differentiated and 11 as poorly differentiated cystadenocarcinoma. Collagenase A was used for digesting tissues before primary culture. We compared the characteristics of cells cultured in different mediums (MCDB/M199 medium, primary culture medium, and DMEM medium) supplemented with multiple growth-promoting factors. The characteristics of cells were examined in terms of the maintenance of normal cell morphology, proliferation potential, and cell fibrosis proteins (53BP1 and γ-H2AX) responsive to DNA damage 〔those in the ATM checkpoint pathway determined by indirect immunofluorescent staining after treatment with camptothecin (CPT) and X-ray〕. Results Normal morphology was maintained relatively well in the cells cultured in MCDB/M199 medium and its cell fibrosis was slow compared with the cells cultured in other media. Gradually increased endogenous damage was demonstrated by the expression of 53BP1 and γ-H2AX foci (P