Objective To determine the effect of doxorubicin (DOX) on abcb4gene expression and the role of abcb4gene in multidrug-resistance. Methods Zebrafish embryos were treated with 2 mL/L DMSO, 10 μmol/L DOX and 2 mL/L DMSO+10 μmol/L DOX, respectively. The zebrafish embryos treated with Eggwater served as controls. Exposures started at 4 to 16 cell stage of the embryos and terminated 120 hours post fertilization (hpf). The expression of abcb4gene in zebrafish embryos was examined on 48, 72, 96, and 120 hpf with whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). Results Compared with the controls, DOX-exposed embryos had higher level of abcb4gene expression (Pabcb5gene. WISH showed that abcb4gene was expressed in the guts of zebrafish embryos. However, those exposed to DOX also showed strong WISH signals in the brain and heart. Conclusion Doxorubicin increases the expression of abcb4gene in zebrafish embryos. abcb4gene may play an important role in multidrug-resistance.