In quantum chromatic dynamics (QCD) theory, Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner (GMOR) is a low-order approximate identity which associates with quark condensation, meson mass and pion decay constant at zero temperature. In this paper, according to the QCD efficient theory and the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model, based on the two-flavor NJL model and the Proper Time Regularization (PTR), we derive the temperature dependence of quark condensation and the temperature dependence of quark mass in Quark condensation at finite temperature, and try to study the establishment of GMOR relation under this temperature condition. The results show that near zero temperature, the GMOR equation is valid within the allowable range of error, but with the increase of temperature, beyond a certain limit, the equation is no longer valid, and the deviation between the two sides of the equation is increasing.