Hamilton equation of the helium-like ion N5+ and O6+ including shielding effect parameters a was established on the basis of the perturbation theory. A combination of the ground state 1s and the excited state ns(n=1,2,…) wave functions of two hydrogen-like atom as the two electrons’ wave function with effective nuclear charge number of was chosen as the ground state approximate wave functions of the helium-like ion N5+ and O6+. The ground state energy of the helium-like ion N5+ and O6+ was calculated by the appropriate shielding parameters a that was determined with the method of extreme value according to the experimental value of the ground state energy of helium-like ion N5+ and O6+.Calculation results show that the error of the energy of the helium-like ion N5+ and O6+ ground state with perturbation method is 10E-4~10E-5 compared with the experiment results.