


Diversity and community structure of endophytic actinobacteria of Melia toosendan

作者:张瀚能(四川农业大学资源学院微生物学系);张金羽(四川农业大学资源学院微生物学系);刘茂柯(四川省农科院水稻高粱研究所);李静(四川农业大学资源学院微生物学系);廖萍(四川农业大学资源学院微生物学系);赵翀(四川农业大学资源学院微生物学系);赵珂(四川农业大学资源学院微生物学系);Petri Penttinen(芬兰赫尔辛基大学环境科学系)

Author:ZHANG Han-Neng(Department of Microbiology, College of Resource and Environment, Sichuan Agricultural University);ZHANG Jin-Yu(Department of Microbiology, College of Resource and Environment, Sichuan Agricultural University);LIU Mao-Ke(Rice and Sorghum Institute, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences);LI Jing(Department of Microbiology, College of Resource and Environment, Sichuan Agricultural University);LIAO Ping(Department of Microbiology, College of Resource and Environment, Sichuan Agricultural University);ZHAO Chong(Department of Microbiology, College of Resource and Environment, Sichuan Agricultural University);ZHAO Ke(Department of Microbiology, College of Resource and Environment, Sichuan Agricultural University);Petri Penttinen(Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki)

收稿日期:2015-11-11          年卷(期)页码:2016,53(6):1391-1397

期刊名称:四川大学学报: 自然科学版

Journal Name:Journal of Sichuan University (Natural Science Edition)


Key words:Melia Toosendan, Endophytic actinobacteria, PCR-DGGE, Diversity and Community structure





[Objective] The diversity and community structure of endophytic actinobacteria of Melia Toosendan collected from Sichuan and Chongqing were studied for exploring the microbial resources from Chinese medicine Melia Toosendan. [Method] Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was employed to analyze endophytic actinobacteria diversity and community structure of Melia Toosendan collected from Wanzhou (Chongqing), Ziyang and Suining, respectively. [Result] The result of DGGE showed the diversity of endophytic actinobacteria that obtained from whether different tissues of Melia Toosendan in one plant or the same tissues collected from different sampling sites were existed different, the main reason was environmental deviation or metabolic differences among plants. The richest diversity of endophytic actinobacteria of Melia Toosendan was observed in bark and the fruit was fewest. The recovery of DGGE strip series showed the 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity between the 24 stronger bands and the typical strains published in Genbank was 91% to 100%,and those sequences belonged to eleven genera, Streptomyces was dominant genera accounting for 25% of all sequences, the remainder belonging to genera Blastococcus, Aeromicrobium, Nakamurella, Mycobacterium, Corynebacterium, Rhodococcus, Cryobacterium, Microbacterium, Nocardioides, Leifsonia, which account for 75%. [Conclusion] This result revealed the endophytic actinobacteria community structure and diversity were different and abundant in different samples.


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