


Chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of ecological adaptability two poplar species in the Xinjiang


Author:YOU Xin(The State key laboratory of Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University);GONG Ji-Rui(The Party School of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee of CPC)

收稿日期:2013-03-25          年卷(期)页码:2015,52(1):149-156

期刊名称:四川大学学报: 自然科学版

Journal Name:Journal of Sichuan University (Natural Science Edition)

关键字:叶绿素荧光; 光合有效辐射; 光和系统PSⅡ; 光化学淬灭; 非光化学淬灭

Key words:Chlorophyll fluorescence; Irradiance; PSⅡ; Photochemical quenching; Non photochemical quenching

基金项目:国家自然科学基金(40771069); 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(2007CB106807)


比较研究了新疆伊犁地区广泛栽植的两个品系的杂交杨Populus balsamifera L. (Da)和Populus euramericana cv(I 467)叶绿素荧光变化特征; 揭示两个品系的杂交杨对特殊地理区域中强辐射等环境影响因子的内禀生态适应性. 通过暗适应和光适应的荧光实验, 表明两个品系的杂交杨暗反应下荧光变化相似, 光反应下荧光变化存在明显差异. I 467将光合反应中心PSⅡ吸收的过剩光能以热耗散等非光化学过程消耗的能力大于Da, 相应降低了用于光化学淬灭的份额. Da对光的敏感指数(S)和PSⅡ反应中心吸收的过剩光能(E)能均高于I 467. 取消光照条件后, 两个品系杂交杨叶绿素荧光系统最初均能以较快的速度恢复, 恢复速度逐渐减慢. Da对强光的转化适应能力比I 467高, I 467对弱光和快速的光变化的适应程度更强. 实验结果表明Da对于强光的适应能力更好, 对光能的利用率更高. 因此Da更适合作为新疆强光辐射区伊犁河谷人工速生丰产林树种进行造林.


Two widely planted poplar species Populus balsamifera L. (Da) and Populus euramericana cv (I 467) were used to investigate chlorophyll fluorescence (F) characteristics to reveal their intrinsic ecological adaptability during long term adaptation to the ambient environment by chlorophyll fluorescence dark adaptation and light adaptation experiments. The result showed that the change trend of chlorophyll fluorescence under darkness was similar and the change trend of chlorophyll fluorescence under lightness was different. The photosynthesis reaction center of I 467 absorbed excess light energy(E) to use more non photochemical process such as heat dissipation than Da, correspondingly reduced for photochemical quenching share. Excess absorbed light energy and the light sensitive index (S) of Da were higher than those of I 467. Cancelling illumination conditions, the chlorophyll fluorescence of two poplar species initially recovered quickly, and then the speed of recovery gradually slow down. Da adapted to strong light, but I 467 adapted to low light and fast light changes. The experiment results showed that Da was better able to adapt to the strong light of energy utilization. Da was suitable as the fast growing forest tree species to using radiation in Xinjiang Ili Valley for afforestation. .


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