


Genetic diversity analysis of Rhododendron (Ericaceae) located on Jinfo mountain

作者:钟容(特色生物资源研究与利用川渝共建重点实验室, 四川大学生命科学学院遗传医学研究所);丁显平(特色生物资源研究与利用川渝共建重点实验室, 四川大学生命科学学院遗传医学研究所);李创(特色生物资源研究与利用川渝共建重点实验室, 四川大学生命科学学院遗传医学研究所);魏霞(特色生物资源研究与利用川渝共建重点实验室, 四川大学生命科学学院遗传医学研究所);李天俊(特色生物资源研究与利用川渝共建重点实验室, 四川大学生命科学学院遗传医学研究所);范兆心(特色生物资源研究与利用川渝共建重点实验室, 四川大学生命科学学院遗传医学研究所)

Author:ZHONG Rong(Bio resource Research and Utilization JointKey Laboratory of Sichuan Chongqing ,Institute of Medical Genetics, College of Life Sciences, SichuanUniversity);DING Xian-ping(Bio resource Research and Utilization JointKey Laboratory of Sichuan Chongqing ,Institute of Medical Genetics, College of Life Sciences, SichuanUniversity);LI Chuang(Bio resource Research and Utilization JointKey Laboratory of Sichuan Chongqing ,Institute of Medical Genetics, College of Life Sciences, SichuanUniversity);WEI Xia(Bio resource Research and Utilization JointKey Laboratory of Sichuan Chongqing ,Institute of Medical Genetics, College of Life Sciences, SichuanUniversity);LI Tian-jun(Bio resource Research and Utilization JointKey Laboratory of Sichuan Chongqing ,Institute of Medical Genetics, College of Life Sciences, SichuanUniversity);FAN Zhao-xin(Bio resource Research and Utilization JointKey Laboratory of Sichuan Chongqing ,Institute of Medical Genetics, College of Life Sciences, SichuanUniversity)

收稿日期:2013-11-08          年卷(期)页码:2015,52(2):388-392

期刊名称:四川大学学报: 自然科学版

Journal Name:Journal of Sichuan University (Natural Science Edition)

关键字:金佛山杜鹃; ISSR; 遗传多样性

Key words:Rhododendron in Jinfo Mountain; Inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR); Genetic diversity



利用ISSR分子标记初步分析了重庆金佛山特有的4种杜鹃花的亲缘关系, 从100个引物中筛选出13个能扩增出清晰条带并具有多态性的引物. 共扩增出了239条DNA片段, 分子量约为200~1500bp. 其中多态性片段约为171条, 平均每条引物扩增出18.38条DNA片段. 同时采用DPS软件计算出4种杜鹃花的Nei’S遗传距离, 并用NTSYSpc2.1中的UPGMA法构建了系统树. 结果表明4种杜鹃花之间既有相同的遗传背景, 又存在一定的差异. 4种杜鹃花明显分为两类: 树枫杜鹃为一类, 疏花美容杜鹃, 金佛山美容杜鹃与阔柄杜鹃为一类.


Genetic relationship of four species in Rhododendron on Chongqing Jinfo Mountain was preliminary analyzed using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) marker. Thirteen primers were screened out from 100 random primers and a total of 239DNA fragments (about 171were polymorphic) were amplified from 200~1500bp. The average number of DNA fragments produce by each primer was 18.38. The Nei’S genetic distances were calculated by using DPS software and the dendrogram were constructed by UPGMA method in NTSYSpc2.1. The results revealed that these 4 strains of Rhododendron have a similar genetic background with certain differences. And the four Rhododendron species were obviously divided into two groups: R. changii was clustered into one group: R. pauciflorum, R. jingfuense and R.platypodum were clustered into the other.


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