


Epidemiological investigation of subgroup J Avian Leukemia inlayer chickens from 2012 to 2013

作者:李鑫(四川大学生命科学学院, 动物疫病防控与食品安全四川省重点实验室/“985工程”西南资源环境与灾害防治科技创新平台/生物资源与生态环境教育部重点实验室);王红宁(四川大学生命科学学院, 动物疫病防控与食品安全四川省重点实验室/“985工程”西南资源环境与灾害防治科技创新平台/生物资源与生态环境教育部重点实验室);杨鑫(四川大学生命科学学院, 动物疫病防控与食品安全四川省重点实验室/“985工程”西南资源环境与灾害防治科技创新平台/生物资源与生态环境教育部重点实验室);李然(四川大学生命科学学院, 动物疫病防控与食品安全四川省重点实验室/“985工程”西南资源环境与灾害防治科技创新平台/生物资源与生态环境教育部重点实验室)

Author:LI Xin(Animal Disease Prevention and Food Safety Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, “985 Project” Science Innovative Platform for Resource and Environment Protection of Southwestern, Key Laboratory of Bio resources and Eco environment of Ministry of Education, College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University);WANG Hong-Ning(Animal Disease Prevention and Food Safety Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, “985 Project” Science Innovative Platform for Resource and Environment Protection of Southwestern, Key Laboratory of Bio resources and Eco environment of Ministry of Education, College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University);YANG Xin(Animal Disease Prevention and Food Safety Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, “985 Project” Science Innovative Platform for Resource and Environment Protection of Southwestern, Key Laboratory of Bio resources and Eco environment of Ministry of Education, College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University);LI Ran(Animal Disease Prevention and Food Safety Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, “985 Project” Science Innovative Platform for Resource and Environment Protection of Southwestern, Key Laboratory of Bio resources and Eco environment of Ministry of Education, College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University)

收稿日期:2014-04-14          年卷(期)页码:2015,52(4):932-936

期刊名称:四川大学学报: 自然科学版

Journal Name:Journal of Sichuan University (Natural Science Edition)

关键字:J亚群禽白血病; 蛋鸡; 流行病学调查

Key words:Subgroup J Avian Leukemia; Layer chicken; Epidemiological investigation

基金项目:国家蛋鸡产业技术体系(CARS 41 K09),四川省科技计划(2014NZ0020)〖


为了解J亚群禽白血病在蛋鸡中的流行情况,采用ELISA试剂盒对2012~2013年采至7个蛋鸡场的1735份泄殖腔拭子和57份疫苗样品进行了P27抗原检测,1512份血清进行了ALV-J亚群抗体的检测.结果显示:(1)此次调查的蛋鸡场均有不同程度的白血病病毒感染,其中两个疑似发病的鸡场P27抗原阳性率均较高,分别为989%和1183%;(2)不同代次蛋鸡的AL阳性率均有所差异.祖代、父母代、商品代蛋鸡P27抗原检出率分别为316%、649%、887%,ALV J抗体检出率分别为336%、463%、713%.商品代蛋鸡的感染情况比父母和祖代种鸡严重,提示存在垂直感染的情况;(3)不同日龄蛋鸡的AL阳性率有明显差异,以产蛋初期和产蛋高峰期阳性检出率较高;(4)AL阳性率在不同品种的蛋鸡中也有差异,尼克粉蛋鸡的P27抗原阳性率最高,海兰褐蛋鸡的ALV J抗体阳性率最高;(5)57份弱毒疫苗中,有一份检出P27抗原,可能受到白血病病毒的污染.


In order to investigate the prevalence status of subgroup J avian leukemia virus (ALV) in layer chickens, 1735 cloacal swabs, 1512 serum samples of 7 chicken farms were collected to detect ALV specific group antigen P27 protein and ALV J subgroup antibody respectively by ELISA kit from 2012 to 2013. Attenuated vaccines used in those farms were also detected. The result showed that: (1) ALV J infection existed in the breeds of those farms generally. Two suspected farms had the higher P27 antigen positive rates of 989% and 1183% respectively; (2) There was difference in the positive rate of ALV P27 antigen and ALV J antibody among chickens of different generation. In grandparent layers, parent layers and commercial layers, the P27 antigen were 316%, 649% and 887% respectively, the ALV J antibody were 336%、463%、713% respectively. The infection was the most serious in commercial layer, indicating the possibility of vertical infection existing. (3) Difference among chickens of different age was obvious. The positive rates of ALV P27 antigen and ALV J antibody peaked in early stage of egg production and egg production peak. (4) Positive rate varied in all the breeds. Nicphone chicken had the highest positive rate for P27 antigen while Hy Line Brown chicken had the highest positive rate for ALV J antibody. (5) Of all the 57 attenuated vaccine samples detected, there was only one which was probably contaminated shown as positive.


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