Genetic mapping of the dwarf mutant gene ndf1 in Brassica napus L.
Author:YANG Peng-Na(College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University);ZHANG Lu(College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University);SHI Hui-Juan(College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University);LI Qing(College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University);WANG Mao-Lin(College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University)
收稿日期:2014-03-22 年卷(期)页码:2015,52(4):889-894
期刊名称:四川大学学报: 自然科学版
Journal Name:Journal of Sichuan University (Natural Science Edition)
关键字:甘蓝型油菜; 矮秆突变体; 分子标记; 连锁作图
Key words:Brassica napus L. ; Dwarf mutant; Molecular marker; Linkage mappin
基金项目:国家“863”计划(2011AA10A10401); 四川省十二五油菜育种攻关项目(2011yzgg05); 国家科技支撑计划(2013BAD01B03)
利用240对SSR和672对SRAP分子标记, 以甘蓝型油菜矮秆突变株系与高秆野生型杂交的回交一代(BC1)群体为材料, 对甘蓝型油菜矮秆突变基因ndf〖STBX〗1〖STBZ〗进行连锁遗传作图分析. 结果表明 : (1)在240对SSR引物中, 有145对的扩增产物显示出突变株系与野生型间具有多态性, 采用矮秆与高秆杂交F2群体集团分离分析法(BSA)筛选连锁分子标记, 并利用BC1群体进行遗传连锁作图分析, 发现位于13号连锁群上的Na12 E02和CB10057〓2对SSR标记与矮秆突变基因ndf〖STBX〗1〖STBZ〗位点紧密连锁, 2对标记位于矮秆突变基因ndf〖STBX〗1〖STBZ〗的同侧, 连锁图距分别为634cM、877cM; (2)经过672对SRAP分子标记连锁遗传分析, 获得了4对与矮秆突变位点连锁的SRAP标记: Me15em4 288、Me28em3 171、Me25em15 262和Me3em18 684, 与矮秆突变位点的连锁图距分别为1248cM、1519cM、2019cM和3546cM, Me28em3 171和Me3em18 684位于矮秆突变基因ndf〖STBX〗1〖STBZ〗的另一侧.
240 pairs of SSR and 672 pairs of SRAP molecular markers were employed for the dwarf mutant gene ndf〖STBX〗1〖STBZ〗 mapping in a BC1 population derived from backcross between the dwarf mutant and the wild type inbred line. Results showed that: (1) 145 of 240 SSR primers showed polymorphisms between the dwarf mutant and the wild type. Then we used bulked segregation analysis(BSA) to select markers in the F2 dwarf(D) pool, high(H) pool, and used BC1 individuals to make the genetic linkage analysis. 2 of 145 SSR primers, namely Na12 E02 and CB10057 on N13, were linked to the gene ndf〖STBX〗1〖STBZ〗 at a distance of 6. 34cM and 8. 77cM respectively. Both of them were on the same side of ndf〖STBX〗1〖STBZ〗. (2) The results of 672 pairs of SRAP markers polymorphic analysis revealed that 4 SRAP primers, Me15em4 288, Me28em3 171, Me25em15 262 and Me3em18 684 were linked to the mutant gene ndf〖STBX〗1〖STBZ〗 at a distance of 12. 48cM, 15. 19cM, 20. 19cM and 35. 46cM respectively. Me28em3 171 and Me3em18 684 were on the other side of gene ndf〖STBX〗1〖STBZ〗