The mechanism for the reaction of HSS with HOO is investigated by using G2M(CC5)//B3PW91/6-311+G(3df,2p). Four possible reaction channels〓for the formation of P1(H2O+SSO), P2(H2O2+1S2), P3(H2S2+1O2) and P4(H2+SSOO) are found in the reaction of HOO and HSS. The result indicates that the main channel is the formation of P1(H2O+SSO) with the apparent activation energy of -12431 kJ?mol-1. Rate constants of all the channels over the temperature range of 298~1000 K are evaluated using the transition state theory. Formation enthalpies (ΔfHe298K) of all the minima are predicted, which are in good agreement with the available experimental values.