Saturation mutagenesis of the dehairing alkaline protease
作者:黄 蓉(四川大学生命科学学院, 四川省分子生物学与生物技术重点实验室);冯 红(四川大学生命科学学院, 四川省分子生物学与生物技术重点实验室)
Author:HUANG Rong(Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Sichuan Province, College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University);FENG Hong(Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Sichuan Province, College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University)
收稿日期:2014-05-07 年卷(期)页码:2015,52(5):1177-1181
期刊名称:四川大学学报: 自然科学版
Journal Name:Journal of Sichuan University (Natural Science Edition)
关键字:脱毛碱性蛋白酶; 短小芽胞杆菌; 饱和突变; 冷适应; 热稳定性; 酶活性
Key words:Alkaline protease; Bacillus pumilus; Site directed mutagenesis; Cold adaptation; Thermostability; Protease activity
本实验在同源建模和氨基酸序列比对的基础上, 选取脱毛碱性蛋白酶(DHAP)8个氨基酸位点进行饱和突变. 通过牛奶平板和96孔板发酵筛选, 获得了4个催化特性改良的突变体, 测序鉴定为D248F, D248S, M233L和W214K. 利用酪蛋白和合成肽(AAPL pN)作为底物, 对这些突变体进行了评价, 结果表明D248F、D248S、W214K在常温(28℃)下的酪蛋白水解活性提高; M233L在常温、高温(50℃)的酶活以及热稳定性都有增加. 同时, M233L和W214K在25℃和50℃水解AAPL pN的酶活也分别得到了不同程度的提高.
From Bacillus pumilus BA06 an dehairing akaline protease(DHAP) has a good dehairing function and can be applied to relevant industries. On the basis of the homolog modeling and the multiple amino acids alignments, 8 amino acid residues of DHAP were selected for saturation mutagenesis. After screening on the skim milk plates and fermentation in the 96 well plates, 4 mutants were obtained and identified as D248F, D248S, M233L and W214K by DNA sequencing. The catalytic activities of D248F, D248S and W214K towards casein were improved at 28℃. And the caseinolytic activities of M233L were also improved at 50℃, 28℃, and after treatment at 65℃ for 10 minutes. The hydrolytic activities of M233L and W214K towards AAPL pN were enhanced at 50℃ and 25℃.