Jinpenshan Nature Reserve is located in the transition area between the Wuyi Mountains and the Nanling Mountains, Jiangxi Province, and is an ecological corridor connecting the two mountains. In order to further determine the situation of wildlife resources in the reserve, 16 fixed camera-trapping monitoring stations were set up from November 2017 to December 2018, with a total survey effort of 6 720 camera-days. A total of 10 666 photographs including 479 valid independent images were obtained. Twenty-one (9 mammals and 12 birds) species, belonging to 14 families and 7 orders were identified, including 4 class Ⅱ nationally key protected wild animals (Spilornis cheela,Lophura nycthemera,Prionodon pardicolor,Capricornis milneedwardsii), and 6 provincial key protected wild animals of Jiangxi Province (Garrulax canorus,Urocissa erythrorhyncha,Melogale moschata,Mustela kathiah,Muntiacus reevesi,Paguma larvata). Additionally,Arborophila gingica,Harpactes erythrocephalus, Mustela kathiah,Prionodon pardicolorwere the new records of the reserve. Top 5 species with higher relative abundance wereLophura nycthemera,Sus scrofa,Capricornis milneedwardsii,Muntiacus reevesi, andGarrulax pectoralis. The result of faunal resemblance analysis showed that the resemblance of animals in the Jinpenshan Nature Reserve with that of 3 neighboring reserves were closely related (>60%). In terms of bird similarity, the Jinpenshan Nature Reserve had the peripheral (40.83%) relationship with the Chebaling Nature Reserve (Guangdong Province), but distant (39.29%) from the Jiulianshan Nature Reserve (Jiangxi Province). The results lay a foundation for further long-term monitoring of bird and animal resources in the Jinpenshan Nature Reserve.